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Playing with new colors

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Just thought that I would post some pics of some new colors, laminates, and pours that I was playing with to see what everyone thought. Also, just like everyone said, my wife came home today and complained about the smell.:lol: Just had to laugh, becouse as I had seen from this forum it would be coming.



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I don't pour plastic, but I do understand diversionary tactics. I would check with your local taxidermist to see if he has a skunk for sale, even better if he has one that looks like road kill. Then, on days your going to be pouring a lot, put Mr. Road-kill in the driveway or some other fairly close location to your pouring site... no matter how strong the oder gets, you have a built-in excuse for the smell.

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Both molds are homemade. (Commercial copies) I use POP, but I use a brand by Webster that is a premium crafting POP. It still only costs $4 for 4lbs so it is not like it cost more. Its even microwavable to cure it. Its a much finer powder than like dap pop, and makes a much better mold with less porosity. It also seals much better with a thined elmers glue coating than like dap brand pop from the hardware store.

As far as the wife, I could cook stink bait until see really complains about that then ask which of the two she would rather me do.:lol:

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Playing with new colors gets you............some really nice looking baits. Second set reminds me of a krinkle cut fry. Bass Pro Shops use to sell a bait like that. Get yourself some ventilation, long term its not good for you, trust me.

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