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My lessons learned on paint

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For 2 years I have been a taker. Now it is time for me to start giving back.

I have read many questions posted on paints. I'll share what I have learned and if it helps 1 person then it is worth it.

I use crafters paint I get from the dollar store. I use windex to thin.

2 parts paint to 1 part windex.

I use a cheap airbrush with my large compressor @ 25 psi.

The paint will dry very fast and it is amazing how quickly and easily the airbrush cleans up. Must be due to using windex. I had searched for clear windex but used the blue stuff. No issues, the white paint dries white.

I hope this helps. No I won't post pics of my lures because compared to the amazing paint jobs I see posted here I feel shame.

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J, the only ones you have to impress are the fish unless you're building for sale. It takes time and practice for most guys to produce "pretty" paint jobs. I cringe when I see baits I painted years ago. Fortunately, I've covered up that ugliness with new paint. A few years from now I'll probably cringe again when I see this year's :) But at least I'll know I've gotten better. Slowly, slowly....

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@ Mr.J.

I agree with BobP , it's the fish , that take the final decision upon your lures , so absolutely no cause to feel ashame:nuhuh: .

My own paintjobs also can't compete by far with most of the ones published here , that are made by most skilled and talented people , that don't mind about taking any effort to achieve such precious beauties .

I truly admire that , its the fun and satisfaction , that all of us have in making our own lures , and it is up to everyone , how far he wants to go with it .

As long , as you are satisfied with your lures(and the fish , too !) , you can be proud to show them , that's my point of view !

And even , if it is only to possibly give some fellow carvers some input:wink: .

Greetz , diemai

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Mr J I would love to see pics,and I think everyone would.If I can show my rattle can jobs then anyone can show .Don't underestimate your ability,thats what I was told here and posted them and some really liked them,heck I even got a PM from someone wanting to buy some.Come on, show us what you got!!!

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J... IM NOT ASHAMED!!! Here is my first paint job... Be proud of your work!! ITS YOUR WORK!!

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows the truimph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat"


Edited by The_Rookie
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Never be ashamed of your work because we all know the time and hard work that goes with making baits. I remember my first paint job it was a crappie glider I made 15 years ago it was all hand painted with a brush and spots were made by dipping a piece of sponge and dabbing it on the bait. I fished that thing like it was made of gold and rookie there is nothing to laugh at with your first paint I kind of digg it .

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I have a bait that my 5 year old son painted with markers and to me thats the best paint job Ive seen yet. It has a pic of me and him fishing on one side and wrote I love my dad on the other. Hallmark doesnt even come close to that one. only you can say truly if a paint job is a good one or a bad one.

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great post about the lure with the pic of you and your son. What a great, sentimental bait that must have been!

On the practical side, too, you never know what might motivate a fish to bite. I once fished one of my uncle's lures, a musky glider that he liked to call "Mr. Ugly" that my cousin had taken to art class for a project and had painted, well, I guess the best comparison would be to a tie-dyed T-shirt. It was swirly, kind of, and didn't look like ANYTHING in nature, but I caught a musky on it, and that wasn't the first one that it had caught.

Anyhow, from one newbie airbrusher to another, good work!


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Mr J,

Did you ever post the picture? I put my hidious creation on here, it can't be worse than mine. Here is the finished product. I named it the "Quad P" short for "Pathetic Pile o' Poop Perch". It weighed 3.5 ounces and dove about 3 inches with a screaming fast retrieve. It swam like a turd. :boo:

I gave it to my dad for fathers' day and after about a half dozen casts I said "just cast it as far as you can and cut your line". I think he would have but Power Pro is pretty expensive line. My next one should turn out a little better, at least I hope it does.


Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg

Quad P Finished.jpg


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OK I have to thank you.. being new to this and all.. I got an airbrush about5 days ago.... I tried playing with acrylic paints, mixing them with water and such.. just to play with..... and see how this brush works b4 I start on trying to paint a lure.... and well I have to say THANK YOU.. on the windex tip and paint ratio... WOW.. that cleared up my issues!!!!

Pictures to come one I figure out what colors I wanna try!!!

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Funny this thread should come up again

I've started to mix with more windex, almost at 50 - 50 and prefer the results better. Less clogging and just back off the pressure and stay with thin coats and you are good to go.

Most important is that at a higher ratio the air brush almost cleans itself.

Now trolling for musky at 4 - 5 mph there isn't a fish in the world that can get that good of a look at your lure so who really cares what the paint job looks like.

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