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3D Eyes on Poison Tail Jig

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OK I am sure this topic must have been discussed before ( I did a search, but could not find a thread on it) but what is the process you use to put the 3d eyes on the jig. Specifically how do you cover the jig with Devon epoxy after powder painting it and allow the epoxy to cure evenly?

I plan to dip the jigs in powder paint, cure them, put the eyes on the jig. Then cover the entire jig head with thinned Devon epoxy. But how do you keep the Devon epoxy coat even over the whole jig as it cures?


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I don't think I've heard of anyone putting Devon on after powder painting; the paint cures pretty hard after heating it, some use a clear coat to add a little extra protection.

Yes it does cure pretty hard, but you do need to put some type of clear coat over the stick on 3d eyes.

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I use devcon over my powder painted jig heads. I powder paint, cure them then do my thing with an acrylic based paint, put the 3d eyes on then put thinned devcon on and stick them in my drying wheel until they are dry. Thinned devcon works better on lead. IMO

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I just cover the eye in clear fingernail polish. let dry for 10 min, flip it over and do the other eye. it's faster and cheaper than Devcon and it will last longer than the skirt will. if you fish whare there are toothy critters. chances are your jig wont make it thru the day anyway.

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A lot of jig makers, especially for saltwater, use Devcon 2T for a protective overcoat or to secure 3-D eyes to the jig. You can use thinned down 2T (with glitter mixed in)) on thread wraps for a very tough finish.

You can use both FP (fingernail polish – both acrylic and enamel) and Devcon 2T. Not only does it add protection to the lure/eyes it also enhances the colors and brings out the luster in glitters, especially when you use illusion powder paint - almost a 3-D effect.

I tape my jigs to the section dividers that come with plastic storage boxes. Mix up a batch of 2T, apply, and stick the dividers in the box to let cure. The stuff levels out well enough on its own. I have a picture posted in the jig section of the Gallery of some of the saltwater jigs drying.

Or, like BV posted earlier – use a drying wheel.

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