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bending wire forms for slabs

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Help! I've tried making a jig to bend wires for slab molds w/o success. I have a Boggs tackle maker but I have been unable to bend wire for slabs with it. Currently I am buying wire forms from battlefield wire. Their prices are very reasonable. My problem is that sometimes I use up my supply and and want wire forms to mold limited numbers of slabs. I've had limited success bending the wires with round nose jeweler's pliers. But those forms are not as exact as I would like. Does anyone know how to bend wires and get consistent results?

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I've tried that with limited success. My bends,the radius, are inconsistent because I'm not getting the bends tight enough. Thinking about it, my nails might be too large in diameter to get the proper radius. I'll mic the radius and get the right diameter nail and try that. Geez..I can't see the forest for the trees sometimes. I'll let you all know how it works. Thanks!

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Another idea would be to put a piece of masking tape over the base of the Tacklemaker and use a knife or razor to cut out around the King Pin. Then, mark how long you want the wire to be before making the radius bend. Flip it over for the second bend and repeat the radius bend. To make theradius bends as close to standard as possible, mark how far around the King Pin you have to go on the tape by the sliding form stop. I would think with a few minor adjustments, you'd as close to factory as your going to get. Hope that helps.

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Well shut my mouth I tried bending a wire with my tackle maker using Bruce's input and it works. Turns out that I have a Hagens wire former and not a Boggs. But the principal operation is pretty much the same, I think. Turned out that the radius formed with with my Hagens is just a tad over the radius of the do-it forms. But a pinch of the radius with a pair of needle nose pliers and the form fits the mold as good as the do-it form....maybe better.

This will work! But if I need a bunch of forms...I'll order them. Probably cheaper in the long run. Thanks guys

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Well turkeyleg,

They say even a blind dog finds a bone once in a while... To many years on Air Force flightlines bending safety wire, fishing for parts and tools dropped by trainees in real tight spaces, and finding a whole range of creative uses for wire. You don't even want to hear about what I learned to do with wire in the Marines.

I'm just glad it worked out in this case. Good luck.

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