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Firetip tails on sticks

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I have benn pouring for a few months now and have made a few hundred sticks. I wanted to try and make a different color tail on a senko but when I tried pouring the tail first, the plastic ran down the side of the cavity causing a stripe almost like a laminate. Can anyone tell me how you do this wihtout getting plastic on the sides of the cavity? Any help would be appreciated.

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You can pour straight down the hole. An easier way would be pour pour the tail color you want about 1/4 of a whole stick. Then cut whatever length you want for the tail and put it back in the mold and close. Now pour some really hot plastic to finish the bait. I do this on my diamond tails and it works pretty well. Feel free to ask me any questions. Saint.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I am pouring from a pot so getting it perfectly straight down the hole is kind of hard due to a variance in flow of plastic. In your second suggestion wouldnt that cause seperation of the plastic? I heard guys here talking about cracking of baits when waiting too long between pouring different colors such as laminates?

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Here's a couple of idea's #1 have you sprayed your mold with WD-40 or worm oil before you poured into them it may run down with out sticking to the side's. #2 Its of the wall could you put a small pice of stright pipe around your spout one that would go around it but fit it tight. Long enough to go down your mold and pour it in that way. Rember I have not tried these ideas but just a idea to get you thinking.

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The best way for me to do tips is simple, pour the tip firt, cut your size tip, then pour the rest. here's the secret to non seperation. Cut the tips on angles not straight across. This gives the new plastic more of an area to attach to. I have bags of tips that I made a while ago and can use whenever. Just make sure the new plastic is really hot. I have no problems with tips falling off. When I use to cut them straight across, they fell off all the time, especially if I packed them in oil or scent

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Years ago I would make split tail grubs by the bunch.They were black back,charteuse body,and fire tail belly.I woudn't worry about a cold joint,but I placed then on a cookie sheet and backed them for a few minutes at 275deg.in a oven.They get shiny when they are done.Never had one come apart,but I didn't like the process.

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