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Here's my pike lures

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Are these the ones , that you are a bit ashame about , as you wrote in another thread ? ? ?

You must be kidding , if they are . These lures are unique , great design :wink: !

And they do work , so I assume , that the plugs are weighted to sink , aren't they ?

I really like such lures "out of the box" , very good idea:wink: !

Greetz , diemai

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The body is 4 inches long and the tail is a 6 inch grub.

They may get a musky but haven't yet.

But this one might. I get to water test the design this weekend. I do not think I have enough weight but there's only 1 way to know for sure. No I do not plan to market them at least until retirement. I'm actualy not going to make any more, I'm going to concentrate on the one below. P.S. It too will have blades


Edited by Mr.J.
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@ Mr.J.


On these lures , wow ! You are too humble about your lures !:wink::wink:

You won't mind me making an own version or two for myself , and try them on German pike , do you ?

Still got some of these "Mogambo" grubs somewhere in my workshop , I know.......!

And good success with that musky 6incher as well .

It's amazing:) , diemai

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Just to clarify

That's not me in the pic, it's my musky hunting buddy.

Still waiting to get my first musky on one. Beleive it or not I have caught as many bass on them as I have pike.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Soooo... Are you any closer to retirement??? I know it's a self serving question on my part; but I can't wait to my order in.:whistle:

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.:yay:

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Yesterday I was contacted by a local tackle store. They wanted me to bring in my lures and show them.

They want to sell them.

Personaly I don't think they are worthy of being sold but here is a chance to get back some of my investments.

I have a question for you guys and gals. They said they would sell them for $16.99. That's not enough. I figure with my time and craftsmanship I won't make them to sell for less than $15 in my pocket. We didn't get to the point where we negotiated how much they would buy them from me but i figure if they are going to sell them at $16.99 I would be lucky to get $12.

What would you guys do? I'm tempted to stick to my thoughts of not doing it for less than $15 but this is also my foot in the door.

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@ Mr.J.

You can't get rich with the work of your own hands nowadays anymore:( !

I think , if you do it for 12 bucks , your foot in the door might not take you any further in future too , because they'd always expect to get your lures at lower prices then as well .

Only if demands should increase quite a bit , you may ask for a higher price , but then your hobby may turn into duty !

On the other hand , if you don't have nothing better to do with your precious leisure time , you might still carve your lures for a little money for your expenses , also just for the satisfaction of having provided a secret weapon to some , though unknown , fellow fishermen (of course only , if you are that kind of person with a social attitude:)) !

If you still want 15 bucks or more for them , you must try to sell them on your own , maybe on Ebay , but it seems to me , that you are , just like myself , too humble to ask for their real worth in money !

I guess , no one can really help you to decide in this matter , still it's up to you !

Good success with anything you're up to , diemai

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Just tell them that you are not producing them yet but you could put a few of them in there on consignment if that would work for them and you set the price. Tell them you will let them have some at 12% of the sale price and set your price at $22 or $25 or $30. Still gets your foot in the door, they have no cash investment at all, and you can see what the market will bring. You have a lot of work into those and it sounds like they are trying to low ball you.

If I had pike in the area, I would pay $28 for a Pike size one and $35 for a Musky size. If I were able to catch fish on it I would not hesitate to purchase more. It's custom, it's new, they look great, and they catch fish. Upgrade the swivel and put your price on them and the shop owner should be proud that your chose his shop to put your lures into. Your not dealing with Wal-Mart so make your deal and tell him how he can benefit from the new customers that will travel and call just to see when you will deliver more baits.

Good luck with it and don't do it if it will take the fun out of it.

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Just to clarify

That's not me in the pic, it's my musky hunting buddy.

Still waiting to get my first musky on one. Beleive it or not I have caught as many bass on them as I have pike.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

You shouldnt have to wait to long I like the looks of that bait

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MrJ have you ever thought of putting a inline spinner attachment on the front instead of the spinnerbait arm. That would give youtwo different styles of the same bait to sell. Maybe a bucktail on the back, that would be great. And dont think your baits arent worthy I would pay 25 bucks easy.Musky fisherman pay no mind to the cost we are all sick like that. I was at cave run lake one day and caught a couple fish and these guys at the ramp seen me catch one, before I could get my boat on the trailer they were buying baits out of my tackle box. I think I got around 200 dollars by the time they ran out of money. They were digging in their ash trays for change before they stopped, Musky fisherman, we are all sick like that.

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