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Chartreuse Firetip Tails (Pics)

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There is probably an easier way, but here is what I did. I made a mark on the mold itself for where I wanted the tail to start. I filled all the tail ends of the cavities. Waited a second till they firmed up. Took the top part of the mold off and took a knife and poked a hole in the plastic, even with the mark on the mold, so I would know where to make the cut. Waited until the tail was completely cooled. Then took a sharp knife or razor then quickly pushed down on the worm to get an even cut. (I tried cutting with a sawing action and it seemed to smash the bait, or make an uneven cut.) Then I took the flat side of the tail and cut an X in the plastic so that it would bond better. Placed the tail back in the mold and poured extremely hot plastic straight down the hole.

Hope this makes since to you or to anyone that needs to know for that matter.

If someone knows of an easier way. Please!!! Let me know!!!

Edited by BassAkwards
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Nil: Show him some of your yellow and black grumpies. That should keep him busy for a while. Saint.


Don't worry about that I already found them the other day.:lol:

If Im not mistaken they were poured in a one piece mold. That would be a little tough in a 2 piece mold wouldn't it. LOL

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Here are some of my laminates.

Lime and Pearl White


Smoke with Turquoise Hi-Lite


The smoke were the first ones I poured. The mold was cold. That why I had the cold crack. Right?

Yes. What I do is pour some solid colors first to heat the molds up.

I do like the turquoise highlite; it's one of my favourites.


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They are not to hard to pour. I open the mold and throw the non-bolt side on a hotplate and get it warm. Pour the first two colors like you would any normal 2 color worm. Then put the mold back together and pour the final color down the hole. When pouring the first 2 colors don't over fill or get to close to the open end of the mold, other wise it will clog on you during the final color. You can also add a chartreuse tail if you wish.100_1641.jpg

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