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Fish Scales....

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Hi Splash.

You might want to take a look in the Member Submitted Tutorials forum a while; there is one titled Scale Patterns Explained that pretty well explains the the process. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/member-submitted-tutorials/5195-kb-scale-patterns-explained.html

As far as where you get some, the sources seem endless. Some use fiberglass window screening at 45 degree angle, some go to the craft section at Walmart to find it, I heard of one guy that like to cut apart those nylon bath scrubber thingies form Beds, Bathes, and Beyond. Do a few searches on fish scales and read a few, you'll see what I mean.

By the way, welcome to Tackleunderground! I hope your health care covers addiction rehab - or the out of pocket cost will put a hurtin' on the ol' wallet. You may want to add some additional info about yourself so we can get to know more about you and your tackle and fishing preferences. I hope you'll find the information your looking for and you may want to try the new 12 step recovery program that some of the members have been trying to develop; it's just that it interferes with their tackle addiction... It's a vicious cycle.

See you around campus.

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you can also do a metallic base cover with aluminum tape. make lines in the tape with a sharpened dowell in a series about 45* to each other making cross hatches, apply to bait and then paint over with pearlized or candy type paints. This too is in tutorials, good luck

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There is no one thing anyone uses for scale. Ive used everything from lace to gutterguards that keep the leaves out of your gutters. You can use anything that you can shoot paint through.I remeber one time my wife had a lace placemat for the table the more I set at the table to eat the more I wanted to run to the shop with it.Well lets just say the placemat came up missing and the dog got the blame.... Man and I really love that dog too but somebody needed to go down for the crime,

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Bite you manhood...and head over to the fabric department at Walmart... Maybe you will get lucky and have a hot chick named Martha to help you out... or Bertha... either or my guess is they will be AARP members... whatever you do..dont joke around with them.. they take their fabrics SERIOUS!!!! ask them to break out the good stuff and you will find the netting your lookin for.. I like to go around 12am that way nobody see's me buying FABRIC!!!!

Oh yeah you can buy a whole lot of fabric for 5 bucks.. Even make yourself a dip net when your done!!! Or fish net hose for your wife... whatever shoots your imagination!

The Rookie

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Take a piece of threaded rod (all-thread) and roll it across the foil. Then, roll it again at about a 45% angle. Change the angle and you change the length of the scales. Use larger all-thread and you increase the over-all size of the scale.


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  Lincoya said:
Take a piece of threaded rod (all-thread) and roll it across the foil. Then, roll it again at about a 45% angle. Change the angle and you change the length of the scales. Use larger all-thread and you increase the over-all size of the scale.


NICE !!!! I would never have thought of that, i can now retire my old dry ball point pen and ruler!!!!!!!!!!

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  JBlaze said:
The wedding veil material sold in the fabric department at walmart works well. It is cheap and comes in two different sized meshes.

I'll second the netting at Wal Mart.The larger size that I got was a bit stiff,made from something different than the small one.The guys that airbrush say to wash it and keep using it,but in the Rattle Can world of painting you use it once and throw it away...Robert

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go to the hardware aisle at Lowes or Home Depot and you will find a bin filled with different sizes and lengths of threaded rods. Probably, yuor local hardware store will have it also


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I live in Smyrna, just southeast of Nashville.

Basically, all-thread (threaded rod) is a long bolt with the head cut off of it. As JBlaze stated, you can find it in the nuts & bolts section of Lowe's, Home Depot, or TSC.

BTW, make sure to inspect it for any flat spots in the thread. They will show up on the foil and ruin your scale pattern.


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