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Fishing + work = 10 LM

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I got a chance to walk down the sidewalk along the river when I got to work this morning.It runs beside a few boat slips with riprap lining the bank.Some how I forgot and brought a rod and reel to work,;)(as I know I shouldn't) .Had to say that.I dought it, but some on here my think it is wrong to fish while you are on the clock.Anyhow I caught ten largemouth

and done something I haven't done amd that was I caught two at the same time.I was throwing a Don Iovino Splash-It (by far my favorite topwater lure) on an old Shimano Speedmaster rod with a (Green) Curado reel .Had one on the front hook and one on the back.One would go about 2 1/2 lbs and the other about 1 pound or so.And no,before anyone asks I didn't have a camera,so you can believe me or not.Some of you i'm sure have done that but that was a first for me.Oh,and all that was in about 45 mins.When I am on my regular job (repairing our bridges) we some times work around some good ol swampy waters,and my boss knows,any time I am around water I will have a rod with me(to use whan I am on break of course).Have a good day at your job, suckaaaas :P...Robert

Edited by rlcam
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...Some how I forgot and brought a rod and reel to work,;)(as I know I shouldn't)....I caught ten largemouth....caught two at the same time.

First, let me say that you are a no good, rotten, dirty scoundrel and I hope your socks & shoes got soaking wet. :lol::pissed::worship:

I was throwing a Don Iovino Splash-It (by far my favorite topwater lure)...Have a good day at your job, suckaaaas :P

I must agree that this is one of, if not the, greatest topwater popper ever made. :yay:

Congrats Rob...that's a great story! I've got some friends that have had it happen to them and have seen it on espn, but it's never happened to me. Of course I can't go out at work and fish either...you low down, dirty...oh yea, I already covered that. :wink:

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Bass caught on work time don't count! Nah, nah, nah. :lol:

Congrats. At least you know that part of the day was productive.

And you're right about the lure.

I have a Splash-it tied on right now, waiting to get wet tomorrow morning. :worship:

Now get back to work! Don't make me go all Donald Trump on you. :angry:

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Happens Quite a bit with Sammy 100's and Smallmouth. I try to let them play a smidge longer- you often get a big girl come along and take a swipe.

What makes the Splash it better then most premium poppers? Imagine it has fine hooks. How is it different?

Nice fishing.:)

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Ive caught two fish at once on a fly rod before but I was using two different flies. I also snagged Two at once before. But I have never had two bite the same lure and manage to land them. In fact I cant even say Ive done it and not landed them.:worship: You guys are good!

Getting two to bite is a challenge, the Sammy 100 or other WTD baits get a lot of competition strikes. SMB go nuts competing for that injured, fleeing food. Once you hook two it's not much of a fight as they struggle against each other.

Happened to me 5 times last year. It helps that I change out my hooks often. Razors on there mean more landed bass.

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What makes the Splash it better then most premium poppers? Imagine it has fine hooks. How is it different?

The Splash-It spits water instead of popping or "blooping" mimicking fleeing shad much better and also will walk the dog.Some people work on thier Pop-R's shaving the bottom lip a little to stop the popping.I have a old Popper of some brand(I found it) it had been repainted and I repainted it black and worked on the lip,it was in one of my posts on repaints.I can't wait until next Wed.,i'm going to try her out.The Splash-It I throw is bone and grey bars on the side with a little glitter on the bottom.I have good luck on a black buzzbait(Lunker Lure Flat Shad) so why not a black Splash-It.

Oh,and you just had to "steal my thunder" didn't you with those Smallmouth(small ones I might add):lol:.Bet you didn't catch yours at work No,No, just messing with you,those are sweet.Hope this happens to all of us again....Robert

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You are just like my cousin, he works at a pwr plant at the dam here in town. They have barricades up 150-200 yds from the wash, so you cant pull up to it in a boat. What does he do? Sit on the damn dam on his "breaks" and fishes. Lucky jokers.

Is it too late to change careers, so far I want to work on bridges or at the dam. Maybe I can open a Dock repair business....

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What makes the Splash it better then most premium poppers? Imagine it has fine hooks. How is it different?...

I actually don't like the hooks so I usually change them out...a buddy of mine ties flies and ties my trebles for me. I've allways had a problem with the feathers coming off of the factory hooks after a few fish get it good and I've also had a 4lber bend the hooks as well. The action this thing gives off is awesome...the way you can walk it and the way it sits in the water on a pause. It makes great noise...I get mine to spit & pop loudly or softly depending on how you work it. Great plug!

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What kind of hooks did you use and did they affect the action any?
I usually use Daiichi or Gamakatsu's...most of the time a red on the front and I get my buddy to tie up some nickle #5's or #6's for the back. He hand ties the threads and puts two coates of epoxy over the tie similar to an eye tied onto a rod. No action difference that I've seen.
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rclam I do belive it I caught two at once befor on a popper. I think the baby bass were a little scared of the popper because they were about the same size of the popper. Now if you were to say a 10lb on the front hook and a 7lb on the back hook I think you may be B.S.'n a little.:lol:

Now I did manage to catch that day the smallest bass I think I have ever caught.It was about 1/2 in longer than the Splash-It,but I counted it,it was a LM Bass.

KB Co.,I am going to get back to youon painting those baits,just been busy and will be back to work Wed. night.I usually don't get on much when i'm not at work...Robert

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