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Good reading State record fish story's ture or false? who cares

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I am starting this because I like to read good fish story's. So No No bashing of story's please. Here is the one I got.

Their is an old lake named Twin Lakes that was redone twenty five years ago (True). On top of the hill their is an old gas station that is owend by some Asian folks (very nice people they are it is now closed down). They were new to our fine country and took a shot at a bisness anyways as the stroy goes they were fish ing down at the lake one night and had caught a monster largemouth bass. The state record is 10lb 4 oz. I belive I know for sure its 10lb. not sure on the oz it should be close. People had seen them catch a big fish and put it in a bucket and start to leave with it. Nobody thought anything of it because they own the gas station that sold bait. Some body had ask them what he had caught he just said fish. The father did not no english very well his older kids did they worked the store but they were not with him on the night in question. Well some outstanding fisherman had said somethingto the game warden the next moring that the guy had caught a monster fish the night before so the game warden whent up to the gas station to see what he had caught. When he got their they were eating they morning meal and his wife gave some to the game warden(free food must come with a badge) he asked his son about the fish his dad had caught. They had taken a picture of their dad with the fish and he got it for him to see. In the picture was the biggest bass he had ever seen. With a big smile on his face he asked were the fish was the old man wife points to the soup the game warden was eating. The supposed estamaited weight was over twelve pounds. I do belive we have big bass like that but I don,t think they had one that size. The story has been told to me simaler ways. Here's a true one a guy at Lake McConaughy broke the state record walleye by a few ounzes then the next day he broke his own record by a pound or more at the same lake. It was in all the papers in the state. If I rember it was the only two keepers he caught. So theirs mine lets hear yours.

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