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King Bait Co.

Need help finding out weight on bass

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I can't figure out the weight on this bass. My scale battaries whent dead at the lake. I forgot my messuring board in the boat. A guy let me use a tape messure I messured it a little short he wouldn't pose for the picture long enough. So this is the best I got with out hucking him across the lake after he bit me. Yes they will do that sometimes. I belive he is 20" to 19 1/2" long. He was extremly heavy and a double wide for his size. I belive he is five pounds or a little more. In Nebraska you get an award for five pounds or 21" bass. I am not sending the picture in for one. I didn't have the Game and parks book with the form in it. It was not weighed.(newbie fisherman asked for scale and gave me a tape messure didn't have one or why he would need one) So the guys that saw it coundn't sign the witness part of it. I couldn't take it from the lake they have to be 21". I just need help with the figuren out the weight. I have try'n for three years this is my fourth maybe. The other three have been dropped back in the water becaues of butter fingers, 1/2" short and light on the weight and line broke when lifting it out of the water. Thoes three are belive to be at judgment of others who saw it happened. I do agree with them that they were big but I won't say five pounds. I do have the picture for this bass but I also put the first one I caught of the night. I got two missed a thrid at hte end and it was big as these two I used a buzzbait a foot of the rocks they were all less than twenty feet apart from one another.

Bass 08 003.jpg

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Bass 08 001.jpg

Bass 08 003.jpg

Bass 08 001.jpg

Bass 08 003.jpg

Bass 08 001.jpg

Bass 08 003.jpg

Bass 08 001.jpg

Bass 08 003.jpg

Bass 08 001.jpg



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Sorry the one on the left is the one in question. Another sorry for the picture is a little to far to the right by a 1" or less. I had to get him back before he died he was out for a while. It was truly a pain to get him messured. The one on the right is 18" he was a hopper to.

Edited by King Bait Co.
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There is a formula, but you have to have the length as well as the girth measurements. She looks pretty thick and looks to still have her eggs. With her tail torn up and bleeding, she was fanning a nest. I'd guess her to be over five by the pic.

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Yeah without the formula it is a tough guess. I would say get your batteries and go back. She should be in the same water for a little longer. Find her bed and drop a jig in front of her face or a stick bait and you will get a chance to measure her...

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I went back the next night. But the tempture outside dropped 15 degrees and rained. Its supposed to rain for the next seven days. I hit the same spots were I got them from. I don't think their are their now with the temp dropping and the rain. I got some new battries when I whent. All I caught was a 2 1/2 all night. so the scale works good now.

Edited by King Bait Co.
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If she's on a nest she won't go far until she spawns out. The rain won't affect her at all, she is already as wet as she will ever get. The dark skies will make it easier for her to see you though. Wear darker clothes and keep trying.

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Kinda late and all, but here goes:

the chunky 19 and 20" bass I've been pulling in this year have all weighed between 3.75 and 4.75 lbs. There's also a formula you can use even without girth to get a really rough estimate of weight. It's length cube divided by...welll....somethingorother.

Anyway, hope this helps a bit.

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I showed the pictures to a Nebraska game and parks warden at the lake the other day. Sorry I don't rember his name but he drives a silver 07 or 08 Ford F-150. He said it was it was a five pounder maybe a little more. He was going off the ones that they had shocked up for a fish censue and it was the time of the year when they spawn. They are also trying to figure out way they have balck crappie in the lake When they never put in any in it when the lake got redone five to six years ago. Anyways he said I could get a master angler award. It has to be a certian size or a certian weight and have a witness sign the form. You also can show them your picture and you can get one also but thats on your word with hardly any facts. He said if I took or sent the picture in to their office I could get the award (most lakes here are total catch and release on large mouth some do have a 21" min. to be able to keep one). I am not going to take the picture in to get the award. I want the fished weighed by them or with them their to get a true award for it. So their is no question in my mind that it was worthy. Their is to much I didn't do to get the picture right and I was to lazy and forgetful to change batteries in the scale. So thats why when I show people the picture. I say I caught a 4 1/2lb. to 5 1/4lb. bass. Anyway you look at it their still nice fish.:yay:

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Don't get me wrong, not trying to knock anyone's opinion, just trying to help King find a good close estimate. I'd take fish like that all day any day. I agree, it is all about appreciation of the sport and the beauty of the creatures, but it is nice to stick a good one.

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I just found something out. I have been looking at others pictures of bass from diffrent states and then me and finfever whent fishing (He's from the west coast). He said the Largemouth here are wider, shorter and fatter then the one's he caught out west. The picture's I saw they are longer and thinner. Then I read today that some one caught a 23 inch Largemouth and it weighed four pounds. A 23inch bass here would be 7 to 7.5 pounds here. My buddy caught one two weeks ago in a farm pond that was 7.8 pounds and was 23 1/4 long. So does every part of the US have diffrent shape largemouth?

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I would think so, just like here, our Redfish are thicker than anywhere else in the country. So they are heavier for length, exceptionally heavier in some instances. Our bass here are short , thick, wide and heavy, just don't get as large as in the big lakes with the FLorida strain.

I just did that Texas site lenght/weight chart, and was almost dead on with a 7lb bass I caught here. Was 22 1/2" long and 7 lbs on the dot, it said 6.89 lbs.

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While a large mouth is a large mouth, I believe there are several different strains across the country. For years, I have heard Florida strain large mouth bass got larger than most other strains; while I was in Texas in the early and mid 1990s all the big buzz was about the introduction of Florida strain large mouth coming to Texas.

I know there are several different strains of musky and in southern IL, a strain from Minnesota was introduced when a few new dams were used to create a few man-made lakes. They grow huge in the waters of southern IL, but the summer heat makes them hands-off Jun - Aug.

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Typically we hear of Florida strain and northern strain, I am not up to date on current line of thinking amoungst ichthyologist but popuations from pennisular Florida are generally regarded as a subspecies, Micropterus salmoides floridans. Supposedly other "species" are found in most of Georgia, southeast Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle.

Most fish geeks get excited about the F1 cross between a northern and southern strain. The hybrid vigor associated with the crossing can result in fish with the better growth. Most all of the giant California bass are crosses. Gentic testing has mainly been used for this identification.

Growth rates and shape are dependent on several factors. Water temperatures, forage base, forage diversity, genetics, etc..... All will effect the shape of the fish.

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