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Thanks a lot , TU community !

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Hi , folks ,

I'd just like to say "Thank You" to all the guys here on TU , that have greatly inspired me to try something new in my luremaking:worship::).

So here are my very first lure blanks thru-wired with the attachement eye on their lips , I have never made this style of lure before , I've always thought , that it was too tricky to bend the wire harness to proper shape .

I saw a lot of such lures posted here on TU , so I made up my mind to give it a try as well , and I noticed , that it is not that hard at all .

Thanks for that initial push:):worship:!

My bunch of lures is carved out of abachewood , the harness with the connected lexan lip lip is going to be epoxied into a slot on the belly , that I pre-cut with a saw and extended to required depth with a "Dremel" cutting disc .

I am only not sure yet , wether I should glue in lead sheet weights in the slot as well right from the start , or I should wait for first testing of the completed , but unpainted blanks , and then trim them with lead shot !

I guess , the latter would be safer in terms of the best action to be achieved !

But at first now I am going to put them into a linseedoil/turpentine mixture for a few days to protect the wood against water sepage .

After that , they would have to dry at least for two to three weeks , to be ready for the first paint coat .

Meantime I'd be working on some teakwood lures , cut the blanks out already .

Again , thank you all , it's great to be here :).

Greetings , diemai




























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Nice shapes. It would probably be prudent to take one of each shape to the next stage for testing. This one should be written off in your mind, as you may have to cut, drill and hack to get the best out of it. After successful tests, a top coat should be added with hardware, to check that everything still works (strange things can happen!), then finish the rest with confidence.

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Good work! Glad to see you made a determined effort to accomplish your construction method! That is the kind of initiative it takes to make innovative lures!

I have no idea as to the buoyancy of your chosen wood, which will determine weighting--some heavier woods require little or no ballast, while lighter woods all need some. There are several ways to figure the amount of ballast, and it is likely you will develop your own method of determining the amount as best suits your construction techniques for particular wood types. My own method is to build a finished lure, and make an educated guess with the amount and placement of ballast while keeping notes. This is the best method...FOR ME!

Congrats on your work!


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Thank you all a lot for your kind comments and advice , I really appreciate that :)!

@ Dean

Abachewood is quite popular for crankbaits over here in Europe , you can get it in different grades of density , the lightest is quite soft , but still holds epoxied screweyes , it is about as heavy as balsa of the hardest quality .

The more dense abachewood is a little heavier , but probably not quite as heavy as pinewood , but its really hard to describe , if not holding it in your hands !

Famous Finnish lure brands like "Turus Ukko" and "Nils Master" make great parts(if not all ?)of their line of abache as well , otherwise it is mainly used to construct the seat-benches in those Finnish steam baths called "Sauna" .

In Germany one can obtain abache at lumberyards under the name "Sauna-Latten"(Sauna-Boards) .

@ Mark

Thanks about your concern , but I have worked with teakwood before .

I know , that its giving me a kind of trickle in my nose and gets it runnin' , also gets me little "burning" eyes , but I don't consider this a strong allergic reaction .

I grew up in the countryside , as a kid I played in mud and water , drove cattle and fell into the dung stack , I can't say , that I am allergic to any natural things , maybe only to my stinking and oily job:):wink: !

Greetings , Dieter

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Thank you all a lot for your kind comments and advice , I really appreciate that :)!

@ Mark

Thanks about your concern , but I have worked with teakwood before .

I know , that its giving me a kind of trickle in my nose and gets it runnin' , also gets me little "burning" eyes , but I don't consider this a strong allergic reaction .

I grew up in the countryside , as a kid I played in mud and water , drove cattle and fell into the dung stack , I can't say , that I am allergic to any natural things , maybe only to my stinking and oily job:):wink: !

Greetings , Dieter

That's good news. I'm a Jewish carpenter who's allergic to sawdust. How's that for a laugh?

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That's good news. I'm a Jewish carpenter who's allergic to sawdust. How's that for a laugh?

@ Mark

Not too funny , at least not for the people concerned;) .

I have a workmate , he always suffers in springtime , when all plants and flowers start out blooming , also he can't eat anything containing nuts .

Also heard about bakers , that got allergic to flour , so they had to break up with their profession and start out with something new entirely .

So why not a carpenter get allergic to sawdust ?

Allergic reactions are a problem of our modern times , I suppose .

We all live in an environment , that is "too clean" and sterile , so as kids our bodies don't have a chance to get used to all this stuff , that might bother us later . It is like a sort of vaccination , when kids play in the dirt , saw it in a TV documentary film , and I see sense in that .

My mother should have known , would have probably saved me from some slabs , when coming home with shoes full of water or stained clothing:lol: !

But as long we don't get allergic to fish...........:):) !

Shalom , Dieter

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