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Question about carving

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Hi all,

I'm quite new to making lures and have just finished my fourth one.

I wonder how I should carve the scales. I've seen some examples where the scales were made by making cuts (like in a net). But I wonder how it's done.

I'll send an example.

Cheers from a Dutch fisherman!











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That looks like the work of Friction Artificial Baits. That scale style is just lines scribe on aluminum foil. Finer lines are done with a sharp blade, thicker ones with blunt blade. U can use a card-board or thin plastic as the ruler to guide ur cuts on the curved surface. Although Friction does do some scales which are physically carved in the wood then foiled.

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The all knowing LaPala strikes again. Those all look hand like etched lines in the foil. Some people will use different items to roll a design on the sides of foiled lures.

Those are some incredible baits. This link might come up as the translated version and if not the second link should be OK.

Translated version of http://www1.odn.ne.jp/friction/index.htm





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so the provided picture wasn't made by Jeep, rather it was pulled from the Friction website.

but the easiest method for creating scales is NOT to etch them directly onto the bait(foil or body), instead do it on the foil before application.

make a series of straight lines on the computer to the spacing desired(with paint or w/e...), print it, place the smaller piece of foil over the lines, then with a relatively dull blade and ruler match the lines and trace.

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I had a balsa lure I did where I took a socket wrench and rolled the diamond grid handle of the wrench over the wood.. it work kinda good... I guess. It wasnt perfect by any means.. but go look at fish scales they really dont look like perfect diamond grids.. actually scales are ROUND!!! ... kinda like this old saying my math teacher in 7th grade said..." PIE R SQUARE!!" .... what?? pie aren't square!!!.. cornbread is square... PIE IS ROUND!!!!

The Rookie

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Geeze after looking at those baits, I suddenly feel like I am in kindergarten and that guy is Michelangelo :huh:

I may retire before I start. Those Japanese guys are really good, I guess that's why their baits are so blooming expensive. I can't imagine what those baits would sell for.

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