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Keeping colors clear

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I can't seem to get my pour colors to be see-through. When I add color, the plastic hardens opaque. Most of the best pours in the gallery here, and those I buy in the store, have a very nice clear look, while still keeping their rich color.

What am I doing wrong? I am using MF superSoft, and Mf colorant. I only mix a few ounces at a time as I only pour for myself and two buddies, but I usually mix one drop of color for about 2-4 ounces of plastic.

Any advice?


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Gents, I use no salt. I guess 'opaque' was a little misleading. The baits I pour are evenly colored, and the color is true, just not clear.

Imagine a guiness vs. a sam adams.

Both have good rich color, but one you can see light through and one you can't.

My next effort, upon the arrival of new plastic, is to try to dip a toothpic into my colorant and stir it in, to try to use less than one drop of colorant. I was once able to mix a semi-clear bait that way but the color was very pale.

Nova, on many of your baits your colors are very rich, but still clear. Bojon as well.

Two questions for you fellas:

1. do you mix your colorant before or after heat?

2. Could I be heating my plastic too hot, and would that remove the see-through properties of my colors?

I will fiddle around with trying to post a pic to show you what I mean, after work of course ;)

Thanks all,


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Shane, no scent, no salt. I think we may have an explaination however...

Boy, will I feel dumb if I am crying about not being able to see through non transparent colors.

Will they say on the bottle "transparent?" Or is it just common knowledge what colors are and are not?

I am blending my colors from bottles of primary colors, ie. red, blue, and yellow.

You may be onto somthig very simple that would make me feel very dumb slick...


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Thats going to be your problem. Most opaque colors, it seems to me are the basic colors black, orange, red, yellow, white, brown, pearl colors, flourescent colors, silver and more.

All though I guess all colors could be transparent with very little color added, like smoke(black).

Havent trid the crayons yet, but I would think they are all opaque?

Not all transparent colors are marked "transparent" from the manufactures.

Hope this helps and dont fell dumb.................oh and the



might be a good name for the next will that comes along

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MF yellow and red non-bleed are not transparent colors. The blue is tho. Try their watermelon non-bleed or watermelon green, both are very transparent. Their strawberry is transparent (bleeds bad) and they also have a transparent yellow if you just have to mix your own.

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All my colors are added after my plastic is heated and the bubbles gone.I add my flouescent colors also after the plastic is heated.I only use Oil pastels for the Flourescent colors.Sick of the color transfer of the dyes.I like to keep what ever is left of a batch clear in the Pyrex so I can add more clear for another batch.I'm very consevative with my plastic.Always have been.The raw plastic is sure to go up soon because of the price of oil I would guess.

I have dipped some two color tubes,using oil pastel Ochre color,that I made transparent to look like sand for the belly.Looked good.Just used a very small amount of the stick.

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Ok here's some pics, forgive my horrible photography.

The reds, and greens on the top are what I am talking about.

Great knowledge all! Now I have a few new ideas to try. Hopefully I can post some new pics with see-through colors!











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