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King Bait Co.

Where to set the Lee's pot at?

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I have three of the Lee's production pot IV. I know every Lee's pot is diffrent than the other. Does any body have a estament at what to set the pots at to get them to pouring temp. I have checked the search and found nothing. I think I am getting mine to hot and they take a long long time to get their. I do the start at low and work my way up to 8 1/2 to pour on all three. Can I set it at 5 and leave it their and it will get to 325 in a hour. I would be stiring it in the hour. My glitter when I pour some times falls to the bottom of the mold and their is none on the bottom of the bait. I know I have got the plastic to hot but if I turn it down then it gets to thick. Please help!!!!!!!:(

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I have not found a setting standard to Lees Pots ... The instructions on Del's site along with the use of a "dimmer" control is the best advice I have seen... when I use the Lee Pot I heat it up before any Plastic is added (I cure the Plastisol for this ops in the Micro Wave) and with glitter you have to keep stiring (I do not pour glitter in the Lees Pot ... use the Presto Cooker Route complete with stirer motor) ... I just saw a note somewhere as to not use below a certain point as it it subject to scorch or burn .. I have noticed if slow pouring that this will happen ..

As you can see I have been just "Winging It " with the Lees pot .. It is constant Pour, Stir and adust heat ... You can not beat it for pouring small detail which is the only time I use them (I have 2 for 2 color pouring).

Hope this helps a little.


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I use these pots for just about everything I do and found you can't totally rely on any of them. Candy thermometers are the way to go to get and maintain the most accurate reading. I find the pots tend to run at a lower number first thing in the morning and later at nite. Has to do with the amount of power being used by people in the area. Not an electrician so can't explain that. They can run at a lower number when kept full and tend to heat up on their own the lower the plastic gets, usually below half full. I set my pots at 5 or 6 for initial warm up, preheat my plastic in a microwave, add color etc, and then transfer into the pots. After I transfer the plastic I make note of the temperature on the candy thermometer and if it doesn't settle back to a 300-325 range, then I adjust the setting on the pot. Best thing to do is get some old plastic and play around with it till you get an idea where everything has to be set for best results. It takes some tinkering but once you figure it out I think you'll like working with them.

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I am testing my pots tonught to see what is the temp with new calhoun plastic in it I think it is the 1201. So far I have one pot with 12oz in it set at 5. The temp is at 247.4 after one hour. The one with 8 oz is set at 5. The temp is 296.7 after one hour. I will update untill the plastic is at pouring temp.

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ottoman have you tried using the stirrer from the time you pour the plastic in ??? I have found it to be faster ...

KBC .... I would kick that pot up and stir an ..... hour to cure is too long for me ..


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I am trying to find out what temp to set them at to pour the quickest with out burning the plastic, It seems to me every Lee's pot as a diffrent mind of its own. You would think they would make them all be the same. A certian temp to heat up to and go with a certian number on the dial. I can't figure it out yet but I am going to try. I may go crazy doing it:eek:

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