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Night before Christmas

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The Night before Christmas

It was the night before Christmas

And all through the house

LINCOYA was silently

Carving a mouse


Were tucked in their beds

While visions of crankbaits

Danced in their heads

The stringers were hung

By the chimney with care

In hopes that Bill Dance

Soon would be there

Me in my camo

And BOYHOWDY with the bait

Had just loaded the boat

To head out to the lake

When high overhead

Way up in the sky

I thought I saw CHIRMY

On his way by

But no, wait a minute

It wasn't him at all

It was REDG8R

And he had santa by the balls

Six big Mercury's were

Pulling the sleigh

Santa was screaming

Get out of the way

With jigs and worms

And crankbaits galore

Santa was headed

For MYLURES front door

With so many stops

Santa just couldn't get around

But, he made damn sure he stopped


As the big Mercury's roared

Santa shouted to all

If things go well

I'll see you at NATHAN's next fall.


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