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Questions from a curious noob

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Hello folks, I've drifted over here from the soft plastic forum.

I find myself spending way tooo much on jigheads, and am considering beginning to make my own.

The usual questions;

What would be a good search topic on this forum to learn some how to's?

Do you make your own molds or usually buy them?

Heat source...micorwave, or hotplate?

Supplies? Collected led bits or purchased?

Thanks all,


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Welcome to the forum where you can stay wired. :lol:

For a person just starting out, I would suggest you purchase a Do-it mold of the jig you favor most. Best place with the best price would be Barlow's. You can do a search on 'Do-it mold' or 'jig mold' to read up on some of it.

Heat sources vary, so I would suggest a search for 'lead pot', 'Lee melting pot' or 'RCBS Furnace' to gather info on them.

Supplies are not really too numerous. Hooks, weed guards, powder paint and skirts material should about do it. For the lead, you kind of get it where you can. It is everywhere really. Tire shops for wheel weights, dentists for lead x-ray tabs, scrap metal yards and so forth. There are many posted subjects on lead on this forum with some very knowledgeable people discussing it. Do a lot of reading, and STAY WIRED!

Good luck

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Welcome to the forum where you can stay wired. :lol:

George that is too funny. I think I'm too wired from smelling all the powder paint I have at home.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Sorry to disrupt your thread Willy, I just had to answer that from George. BTW Willy if I can help you out just shoot me a PM.

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Willy, also check out the tutorials. There is a tutorial on casting jigheads. Do a search for "wheel weights" here in the wire baits section. There is a lot of information out there, but as I have heard from a bunch of people in here, you learn a lot when you actually start doing it yourself - but be careful; keep safety in mind. I am about to dive into the jig casting world also. Once I find a reliable source for lead in my area, I will probably purchase a mold and start casting. Good Luck.

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