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Question for the Picture Pros

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I caught a nice fish yesterday on one of Red's lures and I want to show it off to you fellas, but I'm having a miserable time trying to upload a picture to a post. I keep getting a message that says the image must be less than 400 pixels wide and 600 high. I've got my digital camera on the lowest setting (640 X 480) and I've cropped the dang picture down to just the fish, but still no luck :!: :huh: Anyone have any pointers they can shoot my way :?: I would sure appreciate it :)


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I went through this a few days ago. Get the photo into program for editing, like when you croped it . Look for a feature to adjust the size, I used ACDsee. You should find a feature that will show you the photo's properties- The actual pixel display. Change the pixel size to the required dimensions. Zooming in or out won't change the pixel count. I am no computer wizz, so if anyone can help out here...

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Not to take anythign away from RED's good promotion, but today I went out here on the river and had one of FAT- RAT'S spinners. The one that FFT auctioned off,

Well this LMB tried to inhale it. Well here she is.

BTW i have that same popper from red, I thought it was too nice to try and feed to a fish! The same goes with the other lures from the swap. Looks like im starting my hand made lure collection now.

BTW, i also used the molds from DEL MART, man the plastic comes out of thoes molds so sweet! We really have some talent running loose here.

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Yeah, Thats one sweet spinner from Fat Ratz,

All those lures were great, & dont put mine on a shelf, its spring, fish that thing,

I can make more :wink:

What do y'all think about another section in the gallery for fish caught on our tackle?

I'm takin my camera out w/ me everytime I hit the water.

Congrats on your catches, both of ya.


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I was thinkin' that today......

a "praise" section would be GREAT :D

I also take my camera with me every time I go out, and I've got lots of pictures to share.

By the way Red......I can toot your horn a little more. I also used a Berkley Frenzy popper and I caught a bunch more fish on your lure. I really like the action on that thing, and the fish do too :wink:

Nothing beats a killer topwater bite :D

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It's up,

Feel free to add your pics.

Jim, I wanna see that 9lb'er in there soon B)


I agree, I rarely catch to eat, usually saltwater, Catch & release is important to me. I see alot of salt fishermen down here bring in a cull of dead fish, just to photograph on land, then give it away to the birds :censored:


Wow, I like that :D

I like Berkely & Excalibur, Rebel's etc. poppers, but I wanted a smaller one with a over-exaggerated concave mouth that would really spit water without traveling too far out of the hotspot on retrieve.

Thanks Fellas,


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Yeah Red I hear ya, But gosh darn, I dont wanna loose that thing.

Before seeing some of the actual work first hand that you guys make they really do blow the mass produced lures away.

Almost makes me want to start making a few hard baits.

Well ok, i laready have started to make a few of the spinners since I have the stuff hear to do it with. I poured the bodies yesterday, will paint them this morning, and get the hardware for them before I go to work.

Honestly seeing the trophys cought on what we make will be a good thing. Good idea red.

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