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Basstrix paddle tail minnows

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I have been making the paddle tail minnow baits and for the most part they turn out okay. The problem I am having is that I occasionally overdip the tail and end up having to trim away the excess plastic that went over the back of the blade and it looks like crap after I trim it. Is there some method or blade style you guys use the prevent this. I look at my original basstrix minnows and the tails are always perfect. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

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basstrix runs automation so every batch will be the same, they have adjustments that will allow them to control the depth and time of each dip.

when your hand dipping, you will never get the same do to human error.

you can make a cheap makeshift dipper with some wood, a dowel rod and a spring, use some all thread so you have a stop.

if you dip three times in three positions you can make one for each cycle or you can make a all thread stop rotate for three different positions.

instead of all thread you can just use a bolt also

this will take most of the human error out.

extreamly simple to do and you can do it with simple hand tools

Edited by Delw
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