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So am I now a master lure maker?

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Does this fish qualify me as a master lure maker?

This is my 3rd summer making lures. I have been working on this design of mine and think I have finally got it right. I got 2 musky on my lure today and this being the biggest (had 3 follows to the boat too so 5 fish in one day on the same lure :eek:)

So I'm asking if this qualifies me to be considered into the group of master lure makers.


Edited by Mr.J.
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I think, in a not to settled way, are asking for the fish to pose with the lure. However, a Musky is a powerful fish and is known to cut off the post fight interview and photo session in a moments notice, therefore, common sense tells us to remove the lure before the photo shoot rather than risk a handful of teeth and hooks - that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Nice fish Mr.J!

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Mr. J

Hey, it wasn't that I didn't believe you, I just wanted to see the bait. Was it the spinnerbait with the hard body and curly tail that you posted a while back??? That was a nice bait and obviously it paid off. Great job......You are a master lure maker!


Hey Spike-A-Pike....I can answer myself, I don't need you to explain what I say.....

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I have a different oppinion on the subject. A master lure maker is not the one that makes lures with the ability to catch fish, but lures that catch fish at the same place and time where other lures cannot do this.

But the nice fish in the picture is a reminder that you are on the right track.

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With musky there are a few things that must be followed.

1, Leave the fish in the net and in the water

2, Remove hooks before handling and while the fish is still in the water

3, Always be on guard, a 4/0 5/0 or 6/0 hook can cause some serious pain.

4, Have a good set of bolt cutters and cut the hooks when required

5, Musky are big mean fish. always respect the fish and you won't need bandaides :oooh:

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Mr J Step one and two are the steps most anglers skip when they first start musky fishing. There is nothing worse than a musky rolled up in the net with all those hooks and teeth. I always preach leave them in the water, even though muskies look tough they are very fragile fish. Take the hooks out and take a quick photo back in the water fast as you can.Down here in the south when temps rise I dont even take them out of the net, I roll them out and help stablize the fish in the water until the fish is ready to swim on there own. So in a nut shell congrads on the catch, and bigger congrads on thinking of the fish first and not the glory of your pic of your fish with the lure.

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