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I hope this is the right place to ask this. Does anyone know how I can stop getting spam mail sent to my PM box. I'm not anti-religious but I keep getting Buddhism spam mailing me in my Private Message box. Not a huge deal but it is quite annoying. Thanks

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You're not the only member to have got that nonsense PM'd to you. Some body :spam:ed about 150 members:pissed:. Redg8r, our Site Admin, has taken the required actions to stop them.

A web site with the growing popularity of TU attracts "Evil Doers" and it is a constant battle to keep defend against it :lockit:. I think redg8r does a darn good job keeping the :spam:ers and hackers to a minimum.

The problem will never completely go away; as long as there is an internet, there will nasty little self-centered, attention seeking, "Evil Doers" trying to disrupt our site. About the only thing you can once they get in is to forward a copy of the PM or :spam: message to a Moderator or Site Admin so we can drop the hammer on them as quickly as possible and delete the one in your in box.

Just delete the PM that's in your In Box keep an eye out for any new attacks.

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Like I told Bruce earlier, this spammer was original, he/she never posted publicly, they registered & started sending PM's one at a time to active users. (using the "who's online")

We don't actively monitor the PM system, so we weren't tipped off until users started reporting the issue.

By then, the spammer had sent @ 150 PM's & we banned the account while they were still online & in the act :boo:

Sorry for the trouble, anyone else who has that PM, simply delete it. I checked the destination URL & it is safe (no malicious code), just a link farm.

You wont receive any more from that user :lockit:

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