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Anyone else get this private message?

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Hi,I'm new here, how's it going?"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein---Stephaniehttp://stephanie.site.io

I wouldnt go to the site if i was you.

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How do you delete the message?The message has nothing to do with fishing,or lure making.

I ran a database scan yesterday that shouldve removed the spammers PM's to all users.

I initially thought there were @ 150, but the scan result yielded 490 results.

If anyone else has a PM from user "Stephanie2" simply delete it. They are no longer with us. I say "they" because the associated email account contained a gentlemans first name.

Again, sorry for the trouble, we put alot of work in place to prevent this, anyone wishing to do these things must first register, pass a CAPTCHA image (that annoying scrambled set of alphanumeric fonts) and then verify thier email by activating an encoded link sent to thier inbox. So obvioulsy it wasnt a spambot, but a human up to no good.

Oh and lol @ Vodkaman :)

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How do you delete the message?The message has nothing to do with fishing,or lure making.


When you get to your PM part of the User CP, towards the bottom of the page, there is :

  1. a little check box next to text that reads "Delete this Message", high lite that box and
  2. select the button at the bottom of that window that reads, "Delete this Message",
  3. and the message is gone!!!

Hope that helps... Good luck!

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg

FireShot capture #15 - 'Tackleunderground - Re_ Your tutorial - Rev 1_0' - www_tackleunderground.jpg


Edited by redg8r
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I have had a couple in the last 6 months, but not from buddah. This chick wants us to read a half finished novel and comment on it (or something). She must have read some of my rambling tutorials, and thought I was an editor or something??. I deleted. pete

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I have had a couple in the last 6 months, but not from buddah. This chick wants us to read a half finished novel and comment on it (or something). She must have read some of my rambling tutorials, and thought I was an editor or something??. I deleted. pete


Pete, forward that PM to me plz.

To respect privacy, we don't actively monitor the PM system, so if anyone receives unwanted trash in their PM box it is of great help to the site if you report it every time.

Thanks mate.

(Edit) Sorry, just re read that you deleted it.

Edited by redg8r
I'm a dumbass
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