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What paint for plastics and lead?

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Im thinking about buying myself an airbrush set, brush and compressor and i have a few questions.

1. Does anyone know where i can buy a kit i.e. airbrush and compressor?

2. My main thing i will be painting is my swimbaits and lead jig heads, so what kind of paint is used for this type of application?

3. On the swimbaits, does a clear coat or anything of that nature need to go on to preserve the paint on the bait?

Thanks a bunch in advance for the answers :yay:

Edited by bobothewizard
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Im thinking about buying myself an airbrush set, brush and compressor and i have a few questions.

1. Does anyone know where i can buy a kit i.e. airbrush and compressor?

2. My main thing i will be painting is my swimbaits and lead jig heads, so what kind of paint is used for this type of application?

3. On the swimbaits, does a clear coat or anything of that nature need to go on to preserve the pain on the bait?

Thanks a bunch in advance for the answers :yay:

I would suggest an IWATA HP-CS airbrush. (around $100) online. Check Dixie Art Suppies. I bought my compressor from harbor freight tools for $60 and it works great and is pretty quiet.

As far as paint some guys here use the paint made specifically for plastics and it is expensive to ship and from what I understand it is very toxic. I use the Createx paints made for airbrushes on my plastics that I put a clear coat over such as a swimbait. If you are not dipping a clear coat over your bait then the Createx paint is not the way to go. You could try the other stuff then. As far as jig heads Powder Paint is probably the easiest and most inexpensive and you can buy it from Lurecraft Janns Netcraft and a bunch of other places. There are some threads on here if you search on how its done. It is a very simple process.

Yes you need a clearcoat if you are using the water based paint. If you are using the paint designed for plastics then I am not sure. I use the water based because you are most likely only going to use the bait once before a fish tears it up and to me its not worth the additional ground shipping cost for the toxic stuff. I know opinions on here will vary. The paint made for plastics is really good I just didnt want to mess around with fumes. There are a multitude of good airbrushes out there also. I would say to spend what you can afford and get the best that you can afford.

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As far as paint for plastic baits I have to defer that to other members who know about it.

As far as lead goes you can use powder paint I use some powder paint and also use some testor's, cabela's and then use a two part epoxy to cover it and it protects against plastics.

Start out with what you can afford and see what suits your need's the best then go the best and cheapest route.


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