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leurres souples fran

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I finished the realization of my mould with soft baits, this project I have him(it) make this winter, finalized(worked out) by some baits 3D, conception of the mould and the programming and the manufacturing of the mould, my first try(essay) of molding I have him(it) I make with twist of recovery later shall use the plastisol with his(her) colouring agents and spangle, I am very satisfied with the result, after tens of hours of study I obtain baits which are convenient for me parf

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Video Fabrication_leurres_souples - fabrication, leurres, souples, plastisol, sandres - Dailymotion Share Your Videos

@+ jojo

Edited by jojo79
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A very nice looking walleye, I will bet it made a nice meal. While there are walleye in this part of the U.S., the summer is not the best time of year to catch them. They tend to be a little soft and mushy. They are much better in the colder months and the fillets are much firmer; at least that has been my experience. What about you?

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@ Spike-A-Pike

This is an extremly well-fed fish , and yes , you could call it a trophy fish with its length of more than 90 cm:yay: !

If my memory serves me right , in 20 years of fishing I only caught up to five of about this size , but only maybe one of these as fat as this one !

This fish is not a walleye , as you know it in America , but its European relative(in the zoological meaning)of it , both have different scientific , Latin names(but don't ask me for these:huh:!)

In English it is called "perchpike" , in German "Zander" , in Dutch "Snoekbaars"("Snoek"= pike , "Baars"= perch) and its French name is "Sandre" .

But as far as I'm concerned , the term "Zander" became also quite common amongst British fishermen nowadays as well .

According to my literature it slightly differs the walleye in its color scheme , and also it gets bigger than the American relative , I guess , the limit is at about 44"(110 cm) , but not too sure about that :huh:!

We nowadays have them in entire Eastern ,-Western , -and Central Europe , only in the very North and South , I guess , they are abundant .

In Germany we most likely catch them with all kinds of plastic lures , rigged onto various types of leadheads , this is the easiest way :wink:!

If the fish are quite reluctant about striking lures , one might also use dead minnows , or parts of these , on a bottom sinker ,-or float set-up(live bait is illegal at least in entire Western Europe) , especially at night-time a very successful method !

Only a smaller percentage of zander fall for crankbaits , since fishermen don't seem to use these a lot for them and most likely the fish are located deep at the bottom , anyway , so out of reach for diving cranks !

But when hunting higher up the water column , they surely hit crankbaits and other lures too , only , that such ocassions are rare !

Since a couple of years "drop-shotting"(another English term converted into German !) became the latest fashion for these predators , taken over from American bass anglers by Dutch fishermen , it also got to Germany pretty fast !

Since I don't always go with the latest fashions(especially not with my chosen lures in my heavily pressured "home-waters") , I like fishing for zander with jigging spoons(pirks) , heavy spoons , medium sized jerks and crankbaits(faster sinking) , all of these slowly worked along the bottom:huh:, but only from a boat , to be able to free almost every snag-up !

Also a special harness called "Drachkovitch"-harness , rigged with a dead minnow , prooved to be very successful , when lures are ignored by the fish at certain times !

I never was conscious about a different quality of the fillets in different times of year , but it may be a fact , I can't deny that .

Or maybe this is only , because in summer the alredy dead fish are exposed to heat and sunlight more than in fall and winter , before finally ending up in a frying pan or deep freezer:huh: ?

Anyway , I think that in fall the fish are supposed to be more well-fed than in summer , since they had the chance of eating for a longer time since the spawning season was over in spring .

But this must not neccessarely be true , check the pics of two average , about equal sized fish , caught in summer and fall 2006 on jigging spoons , the summer catch is more well-fed than the fall one !

Exeptions to the rule:huh: ?

The huge fish of jojo79 obviously was also not caught in fall , to me the freshly grown grass indicates a catch either in springtime or in summer after a long drought period and some days of fresh rain after .

@ jojo79

Hope , you won't mind me commenting to Spike's reply !

Je croix , tu a des problemes a traduiser en Anglais et donc je pense , reposer pour nous pecheurs europeene !

(In my poor French this should mean:huh: : Guess , that you got problems about translating into English , so I think to reply for us European fishermen)

Salut , diemai



















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yes it is a pikeperch and French record is more fourteen kilograms

I catch big pikeperches regularly with soft plastic lures

I make my soft plastic lures me even

here is my Internet site you can see how i fishing pikeperches :

Le sandre au plomb palette , carnet de peche , carnet de capture





I making my aluminium mold on cnc machine :




@+ Jojo

Edited by jojo79
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Hi JoJo

Just checked out your web site .. Great ... now if only I could read French (have been trying all these many years trying to master English ... )

Great Work and the Molds & lures look great ... it appears that you have done quite a little bit of venting to get the "curl tails" to fill out. ??


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@ jojo79

Ils sont des sandres extraordinaire , prendre avec ton leurres !

Et cette moule est aussi tres bien faire :yay:!

These fish are exceptional , real huge ones , caught on your lures !

Also the mold is made in a very professional way .

Have to read over your site a few times more to understand a bit of it , it's almost been 30 years since I left school picking up some French there !

Salut , diemai

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