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gluing in weed guards

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Goop, household use. I've never had a weedguard come out of a jig, big tube is about 4 bucks. Forget the "funnel" that comes with the package, just dip the end of the weedguard in the top of the tube and apply a small amount at the base. Doesn't turn color, doesn't "wick" into the guards.....and if for some reason you want to remove the guard, all you have to do is pull hard and it will pop out, and can be reused in another jig.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. Both suggestions so far are for products I already have, so double good. I really like the suggestion about Goop. I tie a lot of deer hair bass bugs and it is the best thing I've ever use for gluing on eyes. Silly me, I should have thought of it. Thanks again, JIM

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