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patrick reif

e-bay mold silicone?

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i don't know why the link failed. the silicone is a 1:1 mix ratio. the price with shipping is $74 for 1 quart each parts A & B. sets in 75 minutes. i don't see a manufacturers brand name on the bottles.

i know that doesn't leave much to go on. i'm carving a fat 6 1/2" soft jerk for smallies and spots, and i should be done in the next few days if work will play pretty. i'd like to set a mold soon.

i may just order the rtv from delmart and be done with it. however, i'd like to build a big enough mold to pour multiples. maybe one cavity for my original, and 3 cavities for the case sinking salty shad with a firmer plastic in the nose and mid section than is commercally available.

i love the case soft jerk, but i go through a pack to a pack and a half each trip. i think i could improve durability by doing a multi step pour with the belly and tail loaded with salt, and the head and back with no salt and a small amount of hardener added...we'll see.

regardless, the mold silicone is expensive, and i don't want to blow money or waste time with unproven products.


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If you had read the Site Rules, you would recall that Site Rule 14 states: eBay & other auction listings are prohibited because they are "time sensitive". We do this because we plan on being around for awhile & its irritating to chase an auction link that ended & sold years ago. Circumventing this rule by posting auction numbers, seller ID's, etc. will be dealt with in the same manner.

You may want to refresh your memory... http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/tu-site-info-updates/886-site-rules-you-must-read-before-posting.html

Edited by Spike-A-Pike
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