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King Bait Co.

Can anybody tell me what happend

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Is this from oover heating. It is MF Brown Grape (changeable) on the tail. I started pouring got twelve good one's (top) and then it went to the color on the bottom. Poof just like that I had just turned down the heat on my lee's pot. I am using 12 oz of plastic (Cahloun plastic) and 45 drops of the color for the tail. I heated it up in the microwave tell it geled clear then heated it up th rest of the way in the pot then added color. Turned the heat down after 12 were poured the next twelve were slightly darker if any. Then they all whent to crap after that. They turned a dark purple with a dark greenish hi lite. I have never had this happen before.

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Hi KingBC

It looks like overheat to me (I am expert at overheat with a Lees Pot)

I only use the Lees when I want to do a fast Pour that requires a small stream.

I cook in the micro wave and pour in the Pot ... gotta watch the heat and how long it stays in the pot.

For larger production it is hard to beat a "Powered" (electric stirrer) Presto Pot ... cook and pour from it ..

I have made some colors that were overheated that I would like to reproduce .. all most impossible to make them come out the same.

Have Fun


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if you don't have a stirrer then make one for it I had alot of problems at first before a stirrer and get a dimmer switch and wire it to a plug in to control the heat much better than the lees control knob.for the stirrer all I did was get a cheap little motor and a double collet to connect the rod to the motor and thread the end of a 5/16" rod and put a wing nut on it.works great just make sure that the rod and wing nut reaches all the way to the bottom to keep most of your salt and glitter off the bottom.I don't use a microwave for anything I use the pot to heat it up and melt down any repours.hope this helps

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King that really looks like overheated plastic to me. There may be some flake bleed in there but It doesn't look like the majority of the problem. It doesn't matter whos color or plastic it is because they all over heat and discolor. I would suggest a heat control and to stir really well. Even if your a religious stirrer and you forget for a few seconds at the wrong time the color has already changed. Every color is different but the plastic all overheats kind of the same way. You can easily see it in a microwave in the center of the pyrex when you overcook it. It will have a darker brown spot in the middle. Unfortunately I see this alot :sauced: and the pour is done. Good luck and keep stirring.

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I use the microwave/pyrex method but see a similar thing happen when pouring with some of M-F's colors. Their smoke pearl line is one of them. I have to pour out the whole cup. If I reheat, I get a brownish tint. This is the plastic scorching, I imagine. Some of their colors are VERY weak compared to others and it take sometimes 4 times the amount of color in comparison to other brands. Certain colors also require LESS time to heat to a pourable state. If I heat their white, smoke pearls and pumkinseed the same amount of time as their other colors, the plastic will scorch. I have to use the same time as if I'm pouring a clear bait. You might try mixing a smaller amount of the brown/grape in a pyrex to do the tails.

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