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ozark plastic

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I recently purchased a 5 gallon bucket of ozark plastic and just opened it and did some pours with it,the baits came out tacky and 24 hours later are still tacky and when pulled apart are almost wet inside,i contacted ozark and they said it came from the same batch they use with no problems,They will let me return the bucket,my question is ,is there anyone who has had this problem with this plastic?I thought I would try some,I normally use lc with no problems,I mixed the bucket well,how long does one have to mix this plastic?and i heated it until clear to around 350,any suggestions,I tend to think its a bad batch of plastic but have never used this stuff before,thanks :lolhuh:

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Sounds like a classic case of under mixed plastic. I have used Ozark before and it did tend to seperate after a while.

I would give it a better mix job and run more baits. I have heard some "stick" guys swear by Ozark plastic for their baits.


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