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I have been having troule with a spinner, and maybe someone else has seen this.. One of my larger (1.25 oz.) inline spinners has a cast lead fish shaped body molded on the wire. You can see a photo in the post "lead heads cast in wooden mold", bottom model. It is quite belly heavy and should run true, but the one I tested wants to run on it's side. I assume this is due to torque from the blade (#5 Colorado). Any suggestions?

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First off, is the wire bent in any way? If not, try bending it the opposite way it is leaning to the side. Second try making the lure move freely on the wire and see if that helps. Third , are you using a single hook or a treble hook? If using a single try using a treble. If that doesn`t work, try putting a trailer of some sort, like feathers or rubber grubs.

If you make the lead body loose on the wire shaft, it will always run true.

( or should run true ) I hope this helps. :?


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Yep, PaBasser nailed it. I will have to look and see which one you are talking about, but I believe you mean the one with the single hook, that is a likely culprit. You could try a treble and see if that fixes it. Maybe what is happenin is one side of the bait is slightly different than the other, could even be hardly noticable but that could be displacing more water than the other, which is making the hook lay the other way and throwing the whole thing outta balance.

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I think you guys have the solutions. The law here requires a single barbless hook for all rivers in the province. It makes it difficult to convert certain lures. I will try testing the modle with a treble in the lake, and see what happens.

I was toying with the Idea of bending the wire to form a "keel" bend, like the bottom half of a buzzbait, or some of the old 'notangle' spinners.

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I agree with Celt. Try shortening the wire. Plus try putting two clevises on using one as a keel in which you can put weights in the clevis, the other for your blade. One more idea is on one clevis for the weight put either a smaller size wire looped around the clevis with split shots or weighted tape to see how much weight you need to make it run true.

Hope this helps,


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OK, I tried another spinner with a bucktail treble and it runs fine.

I need to get it to run with a single hook. I think a swivel between the body and the hook will work, but I was hoping to have a point up hook as well... The body loose on the wire would solve the untrue run, but Iwon't have a twist free design.

I will try a keel bent wire shaft on the standard in line next time.

The shorter wire on the rear of the weight forward model will help too, I think.

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