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rebel deep mini "R"

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I just picked up a bunch of Old rebel deep mini R's and a few deep maxi R's... great lures considering they are maybe 30 years old... Anybody got input on these baits? in the pool, they dove deep, had a thunking rattle like a fat free shad... very buoyant... 23 baits in all but one color: bone orange belly...

I'll be looking for a paint guy soon...

do the bills just unscrew, or are they glued on too?

thanks for any help...

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They are great baits IMO. I collect both the Vintage "R" series as well as the "Humpy" series.

Those older Rebel baits were made with Buterate(spelling) which is much more dense than the plastic used in later years. These baits have a distinct sound when the knocker moves in the chamber.


The lips are screed in and also glued. Mos of the time you can take the screw - wiggle and pull on the lip and it ill come out. Be carefull because sometimes you can break the extension on the lip (you cant see it because it is inside the bait) But with a little patience you can get the lip out just fine.If you are working on multiple baits of the same model, be sure to keep the lip and screw with the bait it came off of! Trust me it makes a difference.

When I install the lips after a completed custom paint job, I do not devcon them back in! I use a small amount of silicone coted on the lip extension that goes back in the body. (This goes for all the Pradco Baits that have this type lip) The reason is that I have broken some lips in the past while fishing these baits and I can always take a lip from another bait and repair the bait. If I devcon it back in then if the lip ever breaks it is a nightmare to repair. The screw on the other hand gets a small dab of epoxy on the thread before I install back in the bait.

As for Custom Painting.

I think they paint up nice but if you happen to have any in your collection that are Bone with a little orange on the belly or bone with a brown back....... I personally would not paint these. They are proven fish ctching patterns.



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hey blades, thanks for the great reply! all my baits are bone orange belly... seems to be heavy on the orange... since I got a box of 23 of these things, would like to get these in colors that work here in the northeast.. thanks again... a very awesome reply...:yay:

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Thanks JSC was thinking that myself... I do have most of the original packaging with most unopened... boxes are a bit beat up after 30 years of being shuffled around... they are the old boxes with the Rebel fastback bassboat picture on them...

My buddy picked up the rest the other night sio when I get them all together I'll figure out something...

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Not only are the lures of value but if boxed are valuable by themselves. The 2 together and if un opened and Ex condition would be of top value. Check on some of the auction and old lure sites to find the value or anticipate what it may eventualy be .. I think it might surprize you.


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well interesting... I have 23 of these in the original boxes... lures are all in excellent condition but the the boxes are beat up some... I'll get them all together after my tournament this weekend and post more... guess I'm a collector now... cool... guess what I paid for them wasn't so bad after all...

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final count is in... I have 6 deep maxi-R's and 17 deep mini-R's... All in the original packages... brand new... some of the boxes have the rebel fastback boat picture, while others have numbered fishing tips... I've decided against using them or painting them... gonna look around at old fishing lure sites... thanks JSC...

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