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my first pour and the tested results.

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This is the first 2 part mold i ever made, and it's the first time i ever tried to pour something like this. after reading some post on here yesterday i decided to get creative. So, i started cutting up baits and melting them togerher to try to come up with something new. i ended up with a snake and a lizard with paddle leggs. Photo0020Dn.jpg

I tested out my snakes today on lake Austin, here in Austin Texas and this is what i got. Photo0027.jpg 8.1lbs!! Photo0024.jpg 5lbs. Photo0020B.jpg and another 5lber.

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Welcome on board newcastledrew.

Did you use a soldering iron to melt those together? It looks like a lizard head makes a pretty good snake head too. I'm happy it worked out as well as it seems to AND I hope you'll continue to experimenting see what else can be made.

Very nice catch by the way. Good luck and tight lines!

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