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Lure Retriever

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I fish from the bank every time I go out for a season I always get snagged and sometimes ending up losing lures. I've tried a couple of lure retrievers out but they are useless from the bank.

Does anyone know any lure retrievers that work successfully from the bank?

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Any lure retriever I know of, requires a near vertical line. So unless you are fishing really deep water and close to the bank!! Sorry but all I could recommend is these stylish Gum Boots. pete


Edited by hazmail
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Pete, them's some fancy kickers right there! :wink:

WO, I guess it depends what you're snagged on, and what lure you're using. Consider going to single hooks, one treble vs two, smaller thin-wire (bendable) hooks, or weed-guard hooks if practical.

Also, if you're snagged on something that's not too solid, you might consider making a small grappling hook and tying it to 50' of parachute cord. If you're hooked-up on a stick, or some weeds, you can snag it with your grappling hook and haul it in. However, don't make your grappling hook out of anything too strong, because if you snag that on something really stout, and you can't unbend it and pull it free, you'll never break that parachute cord (been there, done that!).

Hope this helps, good luck!

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I read somewhere about split rings that spring open at a preset load. This unclips the hook and sets your lure free. Probly expensive though, but not as expensive as the time invested in some of the work I've seen here on TU!

Just imagine the frustration of getting the lure retriever snagged!

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@ Vodkaman

I've seen those either about 2 years ago in the catalog of a great German mailorder tackle shop , looks quite useful there:huh: .

But to me it's too much headache , because you must match your line pull test to the splitrings , the line , leader and interconnected swivels must always be slightly higher rated as these splitrings .

This means , that one should only fish certain lures on certain rods , that have the right line on , since they have these rings in different sizes and ratings to fit different demands .

And to rig even only my most frequently used lures with these splitrings , would probably cost a small fortune:( !

Even once heard or read somewhere , that someone had heated his hook bends to glow with a welding burner or soldering torch to render the steel softer .

So when snagged up , he'd just straighten out or snap the hooks with an appropriate braid to free his lure .

Might not suggest this method , unless you're 100% sure , that there are only smaller fish around:huh::huh::(:( !

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As long as the ring gives before the line and leader, you're OK. Surely swivels and other hardware is of a much higher breaking strain. To test, just tackle up and hook your lure (NOT your favourite) to the tree at the bottom of the garden, point your rod at the lure (protect the rod), wrap a couple of loops around a stick (protect the reel), pop on your safety glasses (don't forget the eyes) and walk backwards to see what gives first.

You may need to phone a glazier now, as you forgot about the kitchen window behind you. Sorry!

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That sould provide the impetus to make more plugs, you have come to the right place.

I have tried numerous plug knockers some work better than others, but they all fall short in some regard. I fish several areas where submerged busted line is abundant and I have yet to find one that works good for that situation.

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I read somewhere about split rings that spring open at a preset load. This unclips the hook and sets your lure free.


Good, workable suggestion. I've waded out into the lake many times to retrieve a favorite lure. Just glad I didn't have to dive down for 'em!

Some folks use lighter-strength split-rings when ocean fishing here. The main line is heavy enough to open the split-ring when the lure becomes snagged, thus providing a 'fuse' in the system.

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