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help needed for newbie UK DIY'er

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Welcome on board Phil. I think you're going to find a wealth of information to help you down the tackle crafting road. A countryman of yours, PhilB is pretty talented craftsman and he can probably provide you with a local resources. There are numerous sources in the states, Hagen's is major supplier http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/tu-site-info-updates/12279-free-component-catalog-section.htm Others are Stamina Welcome to Stamina Quality Components On-Line Store , Jann's Netcraft Rod Building, Lure Making Supplies, Fishing Hooks, Fly Tying Supplies.

TU is getting more international members almost everyday; several will probably jump in before long with other sources closer to home. Good luck.

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thanks bruce, much appreciated :worship:

at the moment i've got 120 2" x 1 1/2" buzz blades coming over to keep me occupied for an hour or two.

is there such thing as stainless cups and hook hangers? as the majority of my lures are/will be for saltwater or even brass would do i suppose,anything so's long as it isnt nickle coated i guess.

will normal auto paints be ok to use for the lures provided they're sealed in with enough epoxy?



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Check Stamina, they have the stainless hangers, the cups might be brass or nickle. Their site is pretty good but they are sometimes a little slow getting orders out. I call them direct and find out if the materials are on hand or not. The painting aspects I will leave to the experts, I don't practice that part of the art. Again, good luck.

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is there such thing as stainless cups and hook hangers? as the majority of my lures are/will be for saltwater or even brass would do i suppose,anything so's long as it isnt nickle coated i guess.

Stainless hook hangers and stainless screw-eyes: yes.

Stainless cups: I don't think so, more likely nickel-plated brass (someone correct me if I'm wrong). You're right, the nickel plate will go 'off' after a while in saltwater. Just use the stainless screw eyes, you shouldn't need the cups anyway.

will normal auto paints be ok to use for the lures provided they're sealed in with enough epoxy?



Yes. But be sure to allow the paint to dry long enough. Unless it's really hot and dry where you are :wink:, you're going to want to wait a good long time before you clearcoat the lures. If the coating peels because you didn't let the primer/paint/etc dry long enough, you'll be sore chagrined indeed!

Good luck, and keep us posted!

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@ mouldybits

Welcome here , nice to have another European guy around:wink:!

Do you know Lure Fishing UK , there are a lot , and I mean a lot of links there to suppliers American , European and Australian alike , also to other fishing-related sites .

But I must admit , I never checked the British shops there:huh: !

But maybe you'd rather go for continental ones , since I guess , they'd be a little cheaper .

But buzz blades are indeed hard to find over here , but you can make them yourself , its not that hard , once you get a hold on it and have the right tools at hand :wink:.

Saw a pictured post about it on a German site , and I also did similar as well before .

Greetz , Diemai

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its just finished peein down its been raining all night lol.

hi diemai, yes i have tried there, but like you say prices are cheaper across the water plus the stuff available to us here is a case of you can have this one or that one, when where you look abroad you have umpteen choices of the same thing. think i'll be ordering quite a bit from janns and stamina just gotta pull an exact list of what i need together now.

thanks sagacious, do i not need the cups though for blades?



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thanks sagacious, do i not need the cups though for blades?



Phil, I wondered about that when I replied, but I reviewed your question and guessed you were talking about cups for hook hangers.

If you need cups for props (propellers) for wood baits, all I can find are nickel-plated cups. Maybe your searches will turn up stainless ones.

As I see it, you have two options. One, use nickel cups and just accept that they'll turn green and eventually corrode a bit. Or two, use hollow stainless beads with the proper diam hole as prop bearings on your eye-screws. Those will never corrode, but you'll want to make sure your screws are long enough to accomodate at least one bead plus the prop, and still have enough length to get a good bite into the plug body. Stamina has hollow stainless beads, props, and stainless screw eyes.

Hope this helps, good luck!

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sorry for the delay in replying guys, been a tad busy setting up wood turning gear. fishingpool.co.uk sems to have some gear and free delivery, but would rather get all or most of the gear from one place to save on the shipping. i think it looks as though its gonna be a case of buying alot from across the pond.

our lass is doing her nut at all the cash i'm spending on gear lol ...does she realise how many handbags and shoes she has...?????? :nuhuh:

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I don't know if your thinking of 10s, 100s, or 1,000s of pieces. I would try to test each of the suppliers mentioned above by requesting a catalog and see how long it takes to show up in your post box to help determine which vender can respond fastest to you request. I have fist hand knowledge of Hagen's and Stamina, both normally have good inventories and reasonable pricing. Good luck finding a source and getting up and running.

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