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Here's a couple more 5500C's I've been working on.A Burgundy,and a Sandblasted Grey.The Burgundy is a proto-type color,and the sandblasted has been around for a while in Japan.I took pictures of the Burgundy next to my Brown 5500 to show the difference in color.In the sunlight it really stands out.I also went with a Grey anodized frame for the Sandblasted side plates to give it a different look.

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fine wine 009.jpg

fine wine 003.jpg

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fine wine 009.jpg




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Oldschool, your work is fantastic. I would like to ask, are you painting old reels to make them look this good?

I have not completely forgotten about geting you the no.s of the 5000's that I have, but I always get sidetracked when I go down to the shop to get them. Someday......... :?


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