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No internet....Lord give me strength!!!!!

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I have been trying to get into the house I bought and haven't got my cable or internet hooked up yet.My "connection at work" that I was borrowing via wreless has now been changed and a new system with a lock was installed.:eek:Those darn rich people in those condos on the river messed everything up:bull:.Can't get on at work for now until I get a wireless card,I hate to have to buy one but I am having TU withdrawels.I am on a temp. dial up tonight and it is killing me at how slow it is.I will be back soon,so keep up the posting so I will have alot ot read when I get up and running.Also the new shop is gpoing to be a great place to work and start my new adventure with the airbrush.I have got some more Rattle Can jobs that I am dying to post but it will be awhile.So keep up the good work cause "I'll Be Back".....Robert

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It could be worse, it could an old 2400 baud modem. Downloading a 1 meg file in under 24 hours was a MAJOR achievement, poor switched and com lines were just the beginning of things to stop you dead in your tracks. I have been lucky to be on the leading edge of the communications spear, working with some pretty high tech systems. High speed, real time, satellite communication data sharing of just a few years ago was enough to make your jaw drop.

The inter-web can seem slow and painful some times; but at least you can still find some method of "getting on line." Imagine what the plains Indians must have thought as telegraph lines were being strung between all the little towns and "quick responses" were used to counter their movements. That was the high speed internet just 125 years ago - hard to believe how far things have come and all the new words added to the dictionaries to explain it all.

Keep on hangin' on

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Finally,and not a moment too soon,got hooked up today.Still not like being at work(and on the clock)and surfing the Bass sites.Have had alot of company at work lately couldn't have used it anyway.All the tech people have been there to get that thing automated and remote control it from Birmingham,Al. When its done the train dispatchers will comunicate with the boats and raise it from B'ham.There has been guys from N.J. and Pennsylvania setting up motors and telecom stuff.It has been in the 90's and humidity in the 80 to 90's %.All I have heard is, Jeez is it always this **** hot down here?I have gotten more Cranks from the guys in the club and from one FLW guy who is in the club.I painted three Sebile Majic Swimmers for him to carry to N.Carolina.He didn't do very well in the tourny but said that he has told a few about me so maybe one day just maybe I will be lucy enough to paint some for some of the touring guys.I know I am probably dreaming, but its a good dream.....Robert

Edited by rlcam
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