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Downriver Tackle

Making double blade buzz baits

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Has anyone made double bladed buzz baits? Side by side blades, not the blade-in-blade type. At $10 each, I'm going to give it a shot at making my own. It looks like I can start with a single blade precast wire form, then bend the existing wire and solder the wire for the second blade on. Any idea for a collar that most have wrapped around the soldered area? Any other tips, or possibly a source for unpainted/finished?

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I spincast them for one of the companies that sells them. The way it is done, and you can modify a Do-it mold very simply.

First, you use two lighter wireforms than you would for a single frame buzz. If you normally used a .045 wire, use two .032 size. Lay them one on top of the other and hook both wires through the hook eye. They didn't fit did they? So open up the hook a bit by using side cutter pliers. Don't cut the hook but put the edge of the side cutters at the end of the hook eye loop, squeeze and slightly force the eye open a bit more. Now the two wire forms should fit in the eye of the hook. Close your mold and pour as you normally would a single frame buzzer. Don't forget to open up the wire slots in the mold. Equal amounts on each side to allow the mold to close with both wires in it.

When assembling the bait, keeping the 'r' bends together, spread the blade arms of the wire form equal distances apart and attach your blades. Also, you must use counter rotating blades or it will want to travel in circles.

Hope this made sense and is of help to you.

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You made that sound pretty simple and, for a man of your talents, it probably is. Thanks for your keen insight on making those double arm buzz baits - I'd have been the goofy guy with a safety wire pliers and J-B Weld muttering. "I can get this too work if I just..." My wife has accused me of living by the motto, "If first you don't succeed, just make a bigger mess the next time..." I don't get it either, but that laughter for 10 minutes every time she says it is a thing of joy. Thanks for sharing, George.

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David, glad you understood, often I don't explain too well and end up confusing some folks. You will get some flashing but nothing that can't be cleaned up in a matter of a couple of seconds.

Downriver, post some pics of your results.

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