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movie of a quick bait build

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@ mangeboy79

Cool video , cool lure:) !

Never knew , that one can get such a nice "walk-the-dog" action out of a bait , that is unweighted !

I guess , it's the heavy oakwood and tapered body providing that action , the stickbait balances itself , so to speak .

I learned during my apprenticeship as a toolmaker about 30 years ago , that one should never wear long sleeves , when working on rotating machinery parts(also no bangles:wink:) , these might catch up and lead to serious injuries !

Greetz , diemai

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Funny, I was going to post the same thing. My father was a lathe hand, and we had a small lathe in our garage when I was young. I was taught never to wear long sleeves or loose clothing when operating a lathe. In high school, I had a part time job in a production metal shop, where we tooled stainless steel parts for the aircraft industry, and the tailings coming off the lathes were hot and sharp. One of the lathe workers did wear long sleeves, but he taped the sleeves at the cuffs, so they were tight to his wrists and couldn't get caught. I just made sure I kept my hands and arms away from the cuttings. My father's warnings were too deeply ingrained in my head.

The loose clothing danger carried over into carpentry, for me. It's too easy for a sleeve to dangle down and get caught in a table saw blade.

Short story long, be careful. At least button your cuffs, and no dangling jewelry.

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