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Big Splash

Laquered hook eye fix

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A laquered eye on a fly is a pain if it goes un-noticed untill tying the fly onto your leader. If you sell flies this could cost you a customer.

We have all learned to use plenty of laquer when tying the fly, and this will often fill the eye. Just run the quill of a used trim end from a hackle feather, or peacock herl through the eye after tying off and laquering the head. The herl or feather fibers absorb the excess laquer and you don't have to pick out the hardened glue later. And it's free, and at hand.

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Cool idea Big Splash. :)

Don't know if you have ever seen one of those walnut pickers. The sharp thing to pick walnut meat out of the shell, I've used one of those things for over 25 years to dab lacquer and then use it to clean the eye of every fly I tie. I keep it needle sharp and clean of lacquer.

I'll bet it would be maddening to start to tie a streamer or fly on your line and find it plugged with lacquer. That would make me want to buy elsewhere. That is why a fly never leaves here on a card, or in my fly box for personal use with a plugged eye.

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