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Ed Brabant

When will the madness end?

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I finished the stirrer for my presto pot. No more stirring!!! I made the bottom similar to a saw tooth. I have 2 paddles and the tooth stagger from one blade scrapes what the other leaves. NO salt settels on the bottom. NO glitter settels on the bottom. Now I plan on making 2 more. And I bought 2 swim bait molds from lure craft. Now I am pouring swim baits. Poured 35 from old plastic. Finally got the procss down. And short of the color "looks like the land mines that the dog leaves in the yard." They look and react really good. What's next?????:eek:

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Your design gives me an idea. How about rigging a one blade blender (like the one used for cake batter) over top of the pot? It has multiple speeds and 4 blades joined at the center. I have a small rechargeble one that I only use to whip mashed potatoes and can make the sacrifice. LOL

Salt and flake settling are the biggest PITN (you know - pain in the neck ...) associated with pots and it's one of the reason I sold mine. (Wil be getting a Presto soon for better thermal control.)

Edited by Spike-A-Pike
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From what Del posted you don't want to be more that 60 rpm. I saw today mbroggi1 is selling them. Just do a search for presto pot and scroll down and there it is. Before I put the stirrer on the pot it was a royal pain stirring the plastic to prevent the glitter and salt from sinking. With the paddle that is not a problem. Also find that I get better flow from the plastic out the valve. For the swim baits I just poured the plastic into a Pyrex glass and poured the swim baits from that. Madness I tell you it's Maddness.

Edited by Spike-A-Pike
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One thing I would suggest is designating the pots you use salt in. The salt will eat away the non-stick lining. I have pots that run plastic with salt 8 hours a day and others that run platic only. They pots with salt have a life of about 60-90 days before they have to be retreated, the others are fine. If you leave the areas were the adhesive is thin or removed, you will burn your plastic.

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