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ok heres a few more

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ok I was able to test 10 baits and i only had 2 that swam crooked. after lokking at them closely I noticed the center section wasnt even close to being lined up with the front section...... I think im pretty dialed in now....I know what drill bits to use for weight so i dont think i need to water test everyone before paint..............here is a video of one..


heres a few more pics..

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i made a wakebait version, havent been able to swim it yet....cant wait to try it out !

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  FERG DADDY said:
Um, I think you have got it mastered. They swim and look great. Did you pour the tails too?


no, I just got a few squares of plastic from a company called TAP plastics and merely traced out a design and cut it out on a band saw. super easy

thanks spike ill go look!

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  LKN4DDB said:
HAHAHA!!! OOPS!!!! :eek::halo:

Have you posted some of your other style bait yet Bahlz? Those are pretty darn good too and im sure these guys would like to see em!

It was only a few topwater slammer style wake baits........Lookin back they seemed kinda cheezy......Ill make some more when im off this kick..heres a babybass I did today..

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  mark poulson said:

What are you making your lures out of?

started with cedar.........then tried a few with cherry, then a few with maple, and i just did 2 with oak & ill never use oak again,,, cant sand the grain out of it..................... so far i like the cherry the best...

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Cherry, maple, oak......

Man, you must like work!

I don't use hardwoods because I know how hard they are to shape. Of course, balsa is technically a hard wood, but you know what I mean.

That's why I settled on poplar and pine.

I think those woods are plenty strong, and buoyant, without being too light, and they're much easier to shape. I do have to add ballast to all of my lures, but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make.

My hat's off to anyone who can carve a hard wood like cherry as well as you do.

Good job!

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  mark poulson said:
Cherry, maple, oak......

Man, you must like work!

I don't use hardwoods because I know how hard they are to shape. Of course, balsa is technically a hard wood, but you know what I mean.

That's why I settled on poplar and pine.

I think those woods are plenty strong, and buoyant, without being too light, and they're much easier to shape. I do have to add ballast to all of my lures, but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make.

My hat's off to anyone who can carve a hard wood like cherry as well as you do.

Good job!

honestly , having the right tools makes it real easy...the hardest part for me is drilling the holes for the 2 pins and makin them straight................once i run a piece through a planer and its the correct thickness, I have a blank made out of a piece of 1/8th skin.........I simply trace the shape on my piece, cut it out with a bandsaw...wala the shape is made, now all i gott do is get the edges rounded over.........walk over to the table mounted router where I have a round over bit, and run the bait through the router on both sides.......now i have a rounded over shaped bait...probly takes 30 min for that process.............now, the router does leave a few lines, I take some 80 grit sand paper to sand out the lines, once the lines are out I brush over it with some 220.........all thats left is to make the 45 cuts , line up eyescrew holes, and add weight......oh & cut tail slot...

Edited by bahlzar
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  mnchartier said:
Could you post a close up of the front joint? It looks a little different than the back one.

I assume your talking about the actual cuts and not the eye hooks............I do cut both sections at a 45 first but when im done with the 2 cuts, I take the nose section and buzz of just a bit off the back so the angle isnt that deep........I did do a few where that front joint was a 45 and the middle section didnt seem to have as much action....

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