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trolling spoons...

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Ok it's happening again. Every time this year i get the urge to make glo spoons for our salmon here in Lake Michigan. This year rattling spoons are the hot ticket. Not sure if I wat to paint them with the glo stuff though. Can anyone give any sources of spoons in bulk, that I dont see after a google search. I think I deleted one this past winter. Had never heard of it, I think I got it from a friend??? Thanks for any tips. the Finn

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@ finlander

I never came across other rattling spoons so far , and I'm a great fan of spoons !

I even was surprised when I first saw these ones at "Stamina's" , though I haven't bothered about ordering for them .

Only have one or two spoon-like lures of plastic , 3-dimensional though and filled with steelballs , mailordered them years ago from the US , if my memory serves me right , but these are way too heavy for trolling .

Why not trying to somehow stick a glass rattle or plastic jig rattle onto your trolling spoon and test them in a bath tube(this way you can clearly hear any sound , that the lure generates !) :yes:.

I would try to position the rattle crosswise the length of the spoon , though this might be tricky , due to the cupping of the blade .

Don't use glue at first , but some kind of plastic tape to fix the rattle temporary for testing , this way you might easily alter its position for possibly best results .

Maybe even sturdy and very sticky repair tape would be sufficient for a permanent bond of the rattle , instead of epoxy :??

The only noise-generating spoon , that I know , is the Finnish "Finnbait Turbo" , you can view my homemade versions in the gallery , check for uploads under "D" , pictures name is "array of spoons" .

These spoons are currently shown on page 18 of the "D" uploads , they generate a gentle , metallic "click-click-click...." sound , since the lure swims back in a wave pattern , constantly rocking left/right and the front splitring slides up and down the line tie slot , permanentely hitting its edges .

Greetz , diemai

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