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Air Bubbles in 2 piece POP......

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I have made a few POP 2 piece with good results...however I am trying another master full round and I can't get rid of the bubbles...anybody got any tips on getting rid of these bubbles? I am not mixing hard to cause bubbles..I pour slow...It seems they generate from detail or the petrolium jelly, I am not sure...I tap and vibrate but they just don't go away......help..Thanks

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Sometimes you will get air leaking out from under the bait if its not seated well.

As pop dries it shrinks away from the bait. I pour my second layer not long after the first layer sets up and I don't use a heavy coating material. I simply use veg oil and let it soak in. I also don't coat the bait with the oil.

Another tip would be to not use as much water in the second pour. Use just enough to allow detail transfer. ( the coating not only stops the pop from sticking together but it also repels water and that can cause voids.)


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Good info...thank you..I kind of suspected but wasn't sure..I will try your suggestions..especially veg oil, I like that...I will be posting some pics of my baits and what I caught at Clear Lake and The Delta soon but still working on getting them right...thanks for your help.

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nova is one of the POP masters on this site. I just started doing some 2 sided with durhams and one thing that I was tipped off to was basting the master with a coat of the pop or dwp before you pour your second layer. Since I have started doing that I have no more bubbles in the second half. Hope this helps.


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