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Bullet Weight

New to this board...Question???

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Hello all... It is great to be in here and see all of the great information that you share with one another.

I have a question. I have 5 gallons of LC plastic (536) that I got 11 months ago. Shortly after getting the shipment and putting it out in the garage, I had some health problems. I am now back to 100% and wish to begin pouring again.

My question... The bucket of plastic has been in my garage for 11 months.... Through part of the winter, all spring, a tough Texas summer, and now through part of this winter. Is it still useable?? Does the extremes of heat and cold affect the plastic? Basically, can I still pour with it?

I basically pour for my own fishing needs. I fish tournaments and such, but I haven't ever poured some of the awesome colors I see in the gallery here. Those are simply fantastic!! I have been wanting to make some molds for some different designs, but haven't gotten around to it as of yet. I have the 1 pound kit of RTV from LC to use for this... Is there any certain trick that I should know about before I attempt to make the molds??

There is still a lot of reading for me to do on here, so if I ask a dumb question I apologize in advance. Thanks.

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Bullet, welcome aboard :!:

Your plastic should be fine as long as it has been sealed. I would recommend going to the local hardware store and buying a mixer that you can attach to your drill. There are a couple of different types. I prefer the type with the 'squirrel cage'.

I would also add some softener and heat stabilizer before mixing. Make sure you mix it thoroughly each time you use it.

As far as the rtv goes, I can't help you there, I use resin for my molds :?

Make sure you ask any other questions you have!! We're all here to help.

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Also get yourself something to dig that hardener off the bottom. Lure Craft plastic is notorious for having chunks of settled hardener. If it's been sitting that long, I'll bet you have a foot of that stuff down there. :lol:

I used to have an old wooden baseball bat to work it free, then use a drill to mix it even more. Like Siebler said, then transfer into smaller containers 'cuz you don't wanna do that again. :) Once you have it in one-gallon containers, shaking should more than sufficient to keep it mixed. Give us a yell if we can help any more with that.


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