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gladly gave up my allstar rod

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it all started this morning when my 6 year old got up rubbing his eyes and said" I want to go fishing. So I did what any dad would do, I hooked the boat up and we went fishing. I just slid the 14 foot v hull in the water and he asked me if he could use my rod. He uses a zebco style reel and uses it well I might add, but I didnt think he was ready for the spin cast reel yet. So I told him if he could use it he could have it, and I started laughing. After a 5 minute crash course on casting we began to fish. After he caught 19 bass on it today,I just sit there amazed how well he used the rod. Dont get me wrong he is , not that Im bragging, the best fisherman his age that ive ever seen. He can out fish his older brother of 14 any day of the week. This is a true story but when he was about 4 he would cry at night and say that he wanted to have his fishing pole in his room because he couldnt sleep at night without seeing it.Every time I take him fishing somtime during the day he always stops fishing and give me a hug and kiss and tells me that he loves me . Years ago before I had kids I never had a clue what a good day on the water really was until now. But to make a long story short my little buddy has graduated to the next level and is now the owner of an allstar rod. The one good thing is I never have a hard time trying to find someone to fish with I always have my little buddy.

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Ma' is a bon' Story:yay:

Sounds just like I was at that age. You gotta nip it in the bud now, completely stop fishn. No more fishn. It leads to buying many dollars spent on fishin stuff, boats, unlimited hrs. of time on the water. Terrible addiction, kinda like lure buildin :teef::yay:

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I have been using spin casting rods and reels ever since I was 8 yrs and bought a Heddon 220-R combo at the local hardware/sporting goods/pharmacy with my first pay check. A couple years earlier, my father had bought a Mitchell 330 and a Heddon rod and after I watched him use it the first summer he got it, I was hooked on "open face rods".

Over the years I have always enjoyed fishing and could never spend enough time my kids; and the two together make up some of the best memories of the kids. Both learned a very young age, 4 or 5 yrs old, how to cast and retreve using open face rods. Because born while I was stationed in New Mexico and we lived 30 miles away from some pretty good Rainbow Trout lakes, that's what they learned to fish. I used to die laughing at grown men trying to crowd them out of their spaces on the bank because the kids were catching trout and they weren't. From a few feet away, they must have thought that the kids were fishing with a Thill float at a depth of 8 to 10 inches. As everyone knows, the smaller the child, the tougher it is to cast a bobber with 8 to 12 feet of line above the hook. By adding a small slip knot, a tiny plastic bead, and small snap swivle above a piece of split shot, you can create a inexpensive slip bobber rig and when the kids tire of bobber fishing and want to use "lures," the snap swivle allows you to remove the float and tie another snap swivle to replace the hook - but I digress. The guys trying to crowd the kids out of there places on the bank thought the bobber were set at just a few inches and would keep shortning their depth to match the kids - completrly taking themselves out of the strike zone. After awhile, one of them would "help" take a fish off and realize the error of their ways; but until then, it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud at the kids skunking the great fishermen with their pricy rigs.

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:nuhuh:Spike , Its funny to watch him now he learns something new everytime we go. He starting to pick up on patterns and he will tell you when you come up on the spot. He will say daddy that spot looks like the last place I caught one I bet there is one right there. And it will be just likethe last place he caught one , it might be a log with a brushpile at the base or rocks but he is learning. The boy practices in the yard casting all the time he cast at a hulahoop in the yard. I still have to help him cast in tight spots but it wont be long before he is helping me. It makes me fill good to know that he has that kind of interest in fishing and not so much in video games like other kids are doing. I now have the perfect fishing buddy, sometimes I never make the first cast I just enjoy working,teaching and watching him do what he loves fishing.I cant wait to take him on his first canada trip when he is old enough just like my dad did for me.:nuhuh:

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Being one of those kids you guys tell stories about, I thought I would chime in. My best memories of growing up are fishing trips with Dad and going "up north" to the cabin and fishing all day from the dock or the rowboat stopping only when I was told I had to come and eat dinner. For all of the great things I was able to do as a kid, nothing comes close to hitting the lake with Dad and dropping a line. As a matter of fact, I'm leaving in the morning for a couple of weeks to see my family, and of course hit the lakes with Spike to catch some fish and catch up on what's going on in life. Can't wait to see ya! :yeah::yay::yeah:

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My dad is now 78 and I still look forward to ever fishing trip that we take together.He isnt able to fish as much as he used to but its something to have three generations sitting together and wet a line. My dad looks at my son like he looked at me when I was his age and spoils him every chance he gets .I cant get him to stop buying for my son, he has bought him I know at least 10 fishing poles and a tackle box full that would make a grown man cry. It makes dad happy spoiling him though, so what do you do.But I think fishing is the best bonding experience that I could ever have done with my son and hope when im 78 Im able to be the spoiler to my grand children and wet a line as a family. you know the saying take a kid fishing , take them fishing its a life time of memories and a great way to spend time with your children.

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My uncle fished all his life, but was now about 80 ('bout 25 years ago) and both his eyes had gone long ago. After each trip, I would go round to his house, hopefully with a fresh trout. He would ask me a thousand questions, from the fishing to how the heather on the mountain looked.

This was killing me, so one day I took him with me. Carried him across the rocks and set him up, constantly. Twas the most rewarding days fishing I've ever had. Can't really remember whether we caught anything, it was irrelevant.

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Dad is vision is bad also and cant see much farther than his arm length and when you take him fishing you have to keep the boat out AS FAR AS HE CAN CAST. Sometimes you forget and drift in torwards the bank, you might be looking in your tackle box and not paying attention, and he will sling one about 40 yards up in the woods. Dad would say damn I didnt hear that one hit, I would laugh then dad would start laughing. Then dad would get a little upset because he threw a 25 dollar musky lure in the tree tops,but I always just laugh and tell him to put another one on. As long as he can still throw them Im willing to let him lose them because I sure in the hell last alot more of his stuff growing up than he will ever lose of mine. Ican always buy or make more lures but I cant buy or make what little time that I still have with him.So not only you should take a kid fishing but you should take you dad as well.

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