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newbie here, Plastic or hardBait?

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Hey guys, A member recommended me here, and so here I is:)

I love to fish and in the last year or so I have been considering trying to make my own baits, My son will be involved he's 10, with that said I will be concerned about health safety.

On plastic-I know you can really burn yourself but, how about the fumes? I do have a garage for this set up if needed. My intrests are in the plastic just because I love to throw'em on the rod.

On hardBaits I'm concerned about painting? what kind of freindly paint do you paint with? as in the fumes are they milder than the plastic?

Just a couple of questions for now.

I'm trying to consider the best one for me and my son to try. any thoughts I will be happy to recieve, thanks in advance:)

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Yes, the plastic would need 110% attention from yourself and head to toe protection for the boy (and yourself).

Hardbaits is a lot safer, no heavy tools required, especially with relatively non-toxic acrylic paints. I still wouldn't breath the spray in though.

If you fish plastics, then it is a shame to have to do something else. There has been lots of discussion on safety that you should read first. I think there is a sticky at the top of the plastics forum. Yes, "don'ts for newbies". Must read this first.

Welcome to TU.

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Safety is your first concern which eer you decide. Tha people on this site are top notch and will be willing to answer your questions. There might be different answers to a single question as people have preferences. I am a plastic guy and LOVE IT!! I make my own baits and pour my own molds. That is one of the beauties of this hobby. Throwing something that the fish have never seen.

You will get differing opions on the fume issue. I use a good hood exhaust fan and haven't had any issues. Good ventilation is a must.

Good luck with what you decide to do and welcome to the underground.


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Thanks all for the feed back, I'm gonna go for the plastic, I throw them way more.

I did find a mold maker package and its around 30 bucks(small one)

Does anyone know of any other mold maker kits I can look at and price?? or how about a formula to make one??

just looking for something good and where I can save money on.

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Your going to find that father/son/daughter tackle making is a great bonding activity. My father and I learned fly tying, streamer tying, and in-line spinner making together 40 plus years ago. My daughter is a third generation wire bender and I think she wants to pass it on to her kids someday. Safety is mostly a matter of common sense and research.

There is plenty of threads on pouring safety; and one with a TU member's real burns - I would recommend you have several talks about wearing a face shield, leather gloves, long sleeves, jeans, no running, and any other matters you feel are important. Just like in Scouting, got to teach safety along with the skill.

Welcome aboard and your going to find that most folks on TU can provide a wealth of info.

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