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Sampo swivels?

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I do not have a tax # so I do not get the break in buying directly from dealers, but from what I see, the Japanese run about 250. The worth are closer to 375 to 400 for a 1000. I have never seen Sampo's listed in bulk anywhere, but know that they are typically more yet. I personally try to use the Worths. I have had great success with those and like their perfomance. (If you have a source where worths are 250 a thousand, I would love to know about it)

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I like the Worth BB swivels, I have around 300-400 of them and about 20 or so Sampo swivels for those that insist on them. I haven't seen any difference in performance enough to justify the big difference in price but if you're getting 1000 Worth swivels for 250, then I would guess that the same amount of sampo swivels would run at least 375 if not more.

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