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  pikeman said:

Why do I have to pay for sharing ideas (not only on the site but with other members in private) , baits photos and other stuff ? When other sites let me do this for free ? [snip] ;)

We are not paying for sharing ideas; we are paying for having the site available to do it.

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Sorry pikeman it is only 11 cents a day if you took a loan that big that you can"t afford 11 cents a day then you are to far in debt to be making lures.But if you just feel that you only want to belong to free sites thats great just don"t sow seeds of discontent here.I plan on not drinking a coke today. Hey there is a whole week.

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  Smallie said:
We are not paying for sharing ideas; we are paying for having the site available to do it.

There is the truth, right there in a nutshell! (See Rookie's reply if you like really large nutshells:D) Jerry has too long been out of pocket, with his money, and his time, as has been thoroughly explained.

There are sites that are here today and gone tomorrow. It has been through Jerry's stubborn perseverance that the same fate hasn't met TU through the years, and I am glad that he's come up with a plan to keep this site on the cutting edge of possibility for the membership of a tackle making site. He could have taken the easy way out and kept it small by simply losing alot of the information that continually accumulates here. Instead, he's been determined to catalog OUR information in user-friendly ways, which means that your ideas and tutorial contributions remain a current resource for everyone who needs to access any tackle making idea.

Jerry has always sought ways to best serve this community, which in turn serves a literal revolution in the tackle industry. I seldom use a lure that doesn't come from my hands, or a friend's with whom I've connected through TU, and I know that helps me catch more fish!

The cost of the friends I've made through TU??? Priceless, truly priceless.


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I guess some of you restricted their thinking on the price , well that's it for me , it seems that no one cares about the following facts :

- those who didn't paid the tax and/or are not willing to do it will not share pictures anymore (cause they can't) - so what ? , we don't want to see their baits anymore we are exclusive now

- I found out on a topic that mr X uses a method similar to mine and I want to ask him some questions, oh I can't either him or I don't have private messages anymore

Do you have to restrict all the privileges ? There ain't enough space for humble members to host 3 private messages and 10 pictures. It's your choice , let the time decide if it's good or wrong.

@Blue Ranger , I'm not drinking Coke :P

Jerry don't get me wrong on this, I appreciate your effort to maintain the site on top and TU is still on the first place for me ;) . I'm not the only one that had these ideas that I've expressed on this pages , I only wrote them down , some of them are mine some of them I've received on e-mail since I post my e-mail address ;)

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Hey,Hey,Hey! Since I'm the size of Fat Albert I thought I would use his greeting.

As far as paying to belong to this site, This has already been discussed to DEATH!!! It's just like an old girlfriend told me once, put out or get out. (or was that me to her? Now I'm confused) See what happens when you spend hours on the phone with Tater? Darn!

Seriously, All this was brought up when the vote was taken and I think it's time for all to move on. I am not particularly happy to have to pay dues, but I would be much more depressed without this site.

The one issue that has come up on this thread that I would really LOVE to address is this editing thing. Although this has never happened to me I have seen it applied in several places that I felt it (editing) was inappropiate. And before I get my head chopped off, Jerry, I am using this media rather than sending you a pm. I want everyone to know how I feel rather than keep this in private. I do understand that editing is required at times, but I think it has been indiscriminate (sp?) and at times came across as harsh. I cannot state harshly enough how much I disapprove of "BIG BROTHER" watching over me. :censored:!!!!! Gettin' myself worked up over nuttin'.

I guess I'm in Tater's boat. I'm full of crap, that was my crap, check it out or not.

BTW, Nice job Dean, wish I could be a elloquent. You are a true gentleman.


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Everyone breathe............... & rook.........stop rambling :)

I don't know what to say, besides what I've already said.

The word "free" gets tossed around quite a bit, TU was never "free".

If I must continue to pay to provide you a place to better your craft, I'm sorry I can't do it any longer. You say you're getting a loan to buy a house. I know I cannot get a loan to buy a house.

I have tried every method you mentioned to keep the burden of support out of the users hands, supply shop, donations, advertising, etc.

No site is "free". Sites may be "free" to use, but someone is paying for it.

The choice of making the entire site a member only site was considered and voted down by the club members, so even though they're rushing to defend here, they are solely responsible for your ability to use the site for "free".

Nothing has been restricted that hinders your ability to use the forums. We still allow photo posting in the forums as long as it's used for some other purpose than showing off your work. Put a valid question or solution in the topic & 9 times out of 10, it will stay.

Club member or not, if you post in the forums to simply display your work they will be removed. it's been a longstanding rule that hasn't changed.

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Wow, I like the site, even though Tater rambles!

So I guess I have to decide how much I like the site and how much I will contribute or gain from the private features. There are a couple of Bass sites I frequent also, and for the most part those sites figured out how to have the advertisers fund the sites (so I would have to assume). And at least one has a real family feel to it and guys get together for rallies etc. I find it somewhat interesting how many users globally there are on this site versus the others which are mostly geared toward North American users. Yet the methods, tools and supplies are very much the same globally.

One noticeable difference is those sites rely on users to provide links to images versus hosting the images directly, unless otherwise arranged for. The have rod making and tackle making forums but they aren't as robust as this site is.

So ... decisions decisions ... and how safe do you feel about the security of how your card data is captured and stored... how do you feel about Tater rambling...

Tater when we going fishing?

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Tater and Dean, well said.

Haven't seen all the other sites yet, but from what I have seen, for lure construction, TU is by far the best. This is down to Jerry and all the mods. I refuse to soak up any more of Jerry's personal funds. Pay the subs, it is the right thing to do.

As for the rambling issue, as Jerry said, an error of judgment was made. I've made LOTS of those, I learn from each one and try not make the same mistake again. Some times I have to make the mistake two or three times before I finally learn. Most of you guys have always cut me some slack and TU life moves on, better for the experience. It's time to drop it and move on.

Maybe this post is another mistake, but it is my opinion, we are all allowed those.

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  Smallie said:
We are not paying for sharing ideas; we are paying for having the site available to do it.

I respect everybody's decisions and their reasons for making them. That is really their business and not mine, but I think Smallie's post said it all.

Oh, and don't forget to get your TU Football picks in for this week!


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just wanted to say thank you to the owners of this site for the useage of this site that I used for so long. Im currently not a pay member yet,but soon will be. I hear so many complaints, but no thank yous for the free privalages that you still offer. Times are tuff and money is tighter now for everyone including the man who pays for this site and I just wanted to let you know the wealth of info and friends that I made here you cant put a price tag on.I will be honest I dont know why I havent paid my dues yet, I need to do that sorry.

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  Lincoya said:

W-e-l-l l-e-t-'-s s-e-e.:) Try this link. It will explain it all.



I dont think I feel that comfortable giving that kind of info out to use paypal. I guess I will have to do it by mail. I might be wrong thing to do but I dont like the idea of giving bank or credit card numbers out on the net even though its on a secure sight .
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Jamie I have been using PayPal for a couple of years with no problems, and I but crap from all over the planet. I know what you mean about security though, I done $380 about 4 months ago (not PayPal). A friend of mine thinks his credit card may have been cleaned out, (with a $20,000 limit on it), last Thursday, also not PayPal -

It's a scam where they tell you your card has been violated and ask you to cancel it - to cancel it you have to log on and they then swipe your pin/account number etc. pete

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We have an offline payment option available also.

The order form can be downloaded from the subscription page:


Dozens of members have opted to use that method & accounts are upgraded the same day it arrives in the mail.

Good to see a fellow "eer"

I was born & raised about an hour south of St. Albans.

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  redg8r said:
We have an offline payment option available also.

The order form can be downloaded from the subscription page:


Dozens of members have opted to use that method & accounts are upgraded the same day it arrives in the mail.

Good to see a fellow "eer"

I was born & raised about an hour south of St. Albans.

jerry its good to here from a fellow "eer" looks to be a good season.I will get on top of the membership, I have to buy a new printer first I cant print anything off right now but school is starting and the kids need a new one anyway. Just wanted to say this is a great site, I hear people talking about going elsewere because it is free but all they will find is the bragging boards. These are the boards where people want you to look at what they can do but not help anyone who needs it. The last board ,that I use to be on, linked me here when someone asked a question on finishing baits. Then I said to myself these guys wouldnt take 5 minutes to help someone and passed the buck to another site man these guys suck.So I checked out your site found some friends, wealth of info, and better yet a home that I call tackle underground.

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