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Plastic Injector

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if anyone has one, could you be kind enough to post the size of the tip. from the outside dia. at the bottom and the outside dia. at the top part of it, then the length of it if possible.

if you have a pair of calipers that would be fantastic but a measuring tape would work also.



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I am new to this forum but I would like to butt in here as I am excited about this. I came up with this idea after looking over Jann's site and reading a lot in TU.

I took a piece of brass 3/4 pipe and put on a female gas compression fitting creating a nipple. Brass pipe is polished in the inside. I then took a 5/8 copper tube and cut it off as a plunger.

I finished the plunger by rolling the ends with masking tape and filling it with silicone sealer. The silicone therefore is O.D. sitting on the shoulder of the end of the pipe so the fact that it is rolled in slightly from the pipe cutter is not a problem. I use a razor blade to cut the end off the excess silicone to finish the plunger. It fits tight. The capacity is limited only by the length of the brass pipe. Unscrewing the cap facilitates cleaning it out. I have not had to use any lubes in it.

It works, I hold it with a pair of pliers that have a rubber band attatched. I preheat it in the oven.



Edited by Piscivorous Pike
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I saw this under the manufacturers brand, CAJUN. Cabelas has it too.

A metal marinade injector that has a large cup and can be dissasembled and the needle attaches to a nipple that would work by itself without the needle.

It was $20 at Sportsmans Warehouse

Cajun makes 2 and 4 oz. sizes

Cajun Injector : Flavor Injectors

After this thread and my experiments I was very tempted to buy it but...

I recenty sprayed myself with 300 degree plastic, I think I will stay with Vodkaman's Vacuum Injection method!

My shop vac hooked up to a smaller hose that slips into a sprue hole connected to the vent channels of the mold.

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