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Rod tip repair help

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I have been buying rods at Cabela's with missing or broken tips in hopes of giving to my daughters, for my use or maybe even resale. The problem I am having is how to remove the thread wraps and finish so I can glue on another tip. Also is it necessary to re-wrap the tip then seal and finish the thread? Can "hot glue" be used to secure the tip? The glue stick that comes in the repair kits looks and acts alot like "hot glue" plastic. Thanks for replies

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I heat the tip with an alcohol torch and pull it off with a pliers when the glue inside is soft enough.

I get under an edge of the thread with an X-Acto knife and unwind it.

It is not necessary to rewrap. However, you will get a little bit of added stability for the tip.

The hot glue for tips that comes with replacement tips is a bit different. It has a bit higher melting point than most craft store hot glues.

Personally, I use 5 min epoxy. I've had too many tips installed with hot melt that shift in the hot sun.

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I'm with Matt, I always use epoxy glue when repairing a rod tip, I've only done one for myself the others are for friends with kids!! And re-wrap it does add some stability and even if it's not perfect who cares the kids have a good rod to fish with and that's what counts.


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Here in Germany telescopic rods are very , very popular , at least for bankfishing baits , no lures !

Usually all the rod guides are fixed with hot glue , this is important in case one needs to replace one rod section(most likely the first or second top section)in case of breakage .

The guides have to be able to be removed easily , so that the broken section can be slid out by unscrewing the butt screw top and a new part can be placed the same manner .

In America you most likely utilize one piece or two piece rods , as far as I am concerned :huh:, so you won't need this option .

If a tip guide needs replacement , most likely it has broken off with the tip in it , so a new , larger diameter guide has to be installed anyway .

I see point in Mattman's statement about hot glue being not too reliable , how many times did I have to re-glue a guide on a fishing trip !

But to attain the maintainance option on my telescopic rods I just ought to use hot glue , if I could use epoxy glue , I'd be happy:yes: !

Greetz , diemai

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I think functionally, just removing the threads with a single edge razor blade and epoxying on a new tip gets the job done. But it doesn't look exactly right if you're buying a rod. If you're doing it for resale, I'd plan on rewrapping the tip threads and putting on some slow cure thread epoxy. It only takes a few minutes and it's not hard to do but you need some way to rotate the rod while the epoxy cures.

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