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First post - Football shakey head

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Hello to all! I was given a jighead that the only way I'm going to get more is to make it myself, so here I am. The guy who gave it to me, gets from a guy, who gets it from a guy. I was told it comes from a maker in Alabama. I was given four, 3 new and 1 used. I melted down the used one, so I could see the hook design. I believe it is bent by hand. I've started to try and locate a similar hook(size), not easy. It's .044 dia., and approx. 61 mm long. That is as far as I've gotten. I'm not sure how to go about having a mold made for the jig, or how to even pour a lead head. How does one bend a hook? As you can see, I have alot of learning to do. I will be reading alot of previous post. Comments and suggestions are welcome. All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Definitely a pic is going to be a must here. First of all it may be cheaper to buy these if you can, instead of investing in a custom mold, paint, pouring pot and so on. On the other hand this may be a std item. That's why pics will help everyone here, to give you their feedback.

Edited by cadman
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